Is this legal?

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New Member
I have a friend who was just fired from his job. He would work every other Saturday, half day. He was required to work night service every three weeks. However, his supervisor scheduled him to work every Saturday, either working half day with night service or working half day. After 19 weeks with no full Saturday off, he finally did get one. This would be ok if the others had the same schedule. If he complained about not having the time off to spend with his family or complain about having to fix someone else's screw up, the supervisor would threaten to hit him (was he kidding? not sure). But this is the way he is with all of his employees. My friend received a phone call from the supervisor who asked what was wrong. My friend told him he wasn't happy with the way things were set up. The supervisor asked what was he going to do. The supervisor was told that the fleet that scheduled to be done will be done, but he was probably going to look for another job. The supervisor told my friend to hold on, went into the office, came back and said "give me your keys, take your sh__ out of the truck and get the f___ off the property!". He wouldn't even let him make a phone call to be picked up. My friend then called the manager and was told that the supervisor told him that he had quit. Even though the manager was told that that hadn't happened, the manager said that he "had to believe the supervisor". This supervisor is a bully! Can anything be done about what happened or can a complaint be filed? Is there any grounds for wrongful termination?
Yes, this is legal; no, this is not a wrongful termination.

Unless he has a bona fide, legally enforceable contract or CBA that specifically says he cannot be required to work Saturdays (or every Saturday) his employer is free to schedule him for whatever days are convenient for the employer.

As a rule of thumb, it is never a good idea to tell an employer you are going to look for other work unless you are prepared to have him take you at your word that very minute.
Thank you for your reply. Luckily my friend found another job. It's too bad though that a person in the position of supervisor can walk around threatning bodily harm to others and nothing is done about it. Thanks again.
Nothing is being done about his threatening behaviour because nobody is doing anything about it. If it bugs the workers, they have avenues of complaint. I agree, it's too bad nobody is doing anything about it.
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