Illegally submitted & admitted evidence, then sealed

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: U.S.

I filed for a restraining order,Sacramento Superior Court. I received a temporary restraining order,went to court for a three year restraning order. My case was called in court the defendant was not present,the judge granted the restraining order. Defendant walks in and tells the court she is late and hands the court clerk some paper work, it is handed to the judge. The judge reads it and takes back the restraining order,sends us to mediation. I ask why,mediation, when there was nothing to mediate. The judge says its normal procedure. Defendants agrees to the restraining order and I receive it again. The problem with the situation is I never went with the defendant and applied for a civil restraining order. The paperwork that was handed to the clerk and given to the judge was some type of evidence to incriminate me and give law enforcement probable cause and jurisdiction to investigate me. I have no idea what the paper work contained since the court did not inform me it was evidence, or allow me to examine it or dispute it. When I went to view the case file the paper work had been sealed in a plastic confidential envelope that they told me I could not open. I also recently found out that a male neighbor had filed for a restraining order exacly one year after I had filed for the first for harassment. I never got served any paper work and didn't know about the case. It was dismissed because he did not show up for court. Evidence was submitted and admitted by the court in that case that is now sealed in a plastic confidential envelope that I have never examined or been given the chance to dispute. All the evidence was fabricated and is being protected by the police. They actually set me up and framed me for something with out ever questioning, or arresting me. Then made the public think I had gotten away with something. In 2004 after I recieved the restraining order I was arrested at home for domestic violence after the individual I had the restraining order on came over to knock the glass out of my car again and attack me. Police kept me in jail three days without a call to a bondsman, shower etc. Then let me out. the prosecuting attorneys office told me they had made a mistake and everything was streighten out but something else was going on.
I'm not sure there are any serious legal issues here. You got a restraining order despite never appearing for it - sounds like you got something for nothing. Someone else filed for something against you, didn't show, and didn't get it. No harm, no foul.

I suggest you talk to a counselor, not a lawyer.
That's not what I said. I requested, went to court and got the restraining order. The second case I knew nothing about until recently. This all occurred in 2004. Having illegal evidence admitted and accepted by the court and on top of that never being given the oppertunity to see, examine, or refute it? Is like having a ticking time bomb hanging over your head waiting to go off. You don't know how big it is, what kind of bomb it is, or when it is going off. But you can be sure it will because that is what it was put there for. Not to mention it was denail of equal protection, due process, and violated the rules of evidence and that is not considering the conspiracy that created the situation.
That's not what I said. I requested, went to court and got the restraining order. The second case I knew nothing about until recently. This all occurred in 2004. Having illegal evidence admitted and accepted by the court and on top of that never being given the oppertunity to see, examine, or refute it? Is like having a ticking time bomb hanging over your head waiting to go off. You don't know how big it is, what kind of bomb it is, or when it is going off. But you can be sure it will because that is what it was put there for. Not to mention it was denail of equal protection, due process, and violated the rules of evidence and that is not considering the conspiracy that created the situation.

It's 2009. The SOL has expired. The time to appeal was in 2004.
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