I was kinda wrong but this isn't right....


New Member
I'm noncustodial father. I filed to amend custody order. 10 months after the first court date me and the mother stand before the judge but the guardian ad litem (GAL) isn't present luckily she's submitted her thoughts to the court and the judge makes a decision based on that and whatever else. The judge ask me and the mother to step into the lobby and the clerk will put it all on paper. While waiting in the lobby the GAL appears and wants to talk to us the parents. I advised the GAL that "it's been 10 months the judge ruled and I don't wanna FUCKING talk about it anymore" exact words. The GAL runs off and apparently repeats the statement to the judge and us the parents are called back into the court room. Judge ask me the father what happened? I told the judge exactly what I previously typed. The judge then states he doesn't appreciate the profane language and my actions are explosive and dismissed the case?!?!? He held the papers he was signing up and ripped them apart.

1.) The judge and the GAL ruled in my favor before case was dismissed.
2.) This wasn't the first time the GAL was absent from a hearing.
3.) The GAL never did a home visit. When she called she would call blocked then complain when you were uncooperative discussing a juvenile case to a private caller. The GAL ruled in my favor and she wasn't present so I didn't think to say something to the judge about her actions. Then when he dismissed case I was in awe n didn't mention those things.
4.) The mother submitted some false info to the court and as a result case was delayed a month to this final hearing. This was proven in court at the final hearing but the judge said since I didn't file a motion to show cause he couldn't find her in contempt??
5.) I'm not even sure of my question lol but if your gonna say get a lawyer please add a little more. I just need the moral support til I get a day off :)
Cussing at a GAL is never a good idea. You disrespected her position in the case and in the end reaped the consequences since it seems she had more pull in the case than you did. I am not sure why were rude to her since you already had her on your side. That was not a smart decision and possibly was enough to get her to change her stance on your motion and what was best for your child(ren). This may not be the only motion you lose because of your reaction.
Any behavior that doesn't conform with the "norms" of our society can cause you great distress insofar as the court process is concerned.

Yelling, shouting, screaming, cursing, and other uncivilized behaviors should be best saved when you're alone in your home, way off the grid camping, or in the shower (where I perform my "one man" show of WWII ballads).

The point is, you had her at hello, but lost her when you started spewing F*%$ YOU, kiss my @##, eat $#!: and die, or whatever was said.

We've all made that major faux pas, said something stupid when we shoulda kept out piehole closed, or let the little imp drown out the little angel.

Put it behind you, get up, dry your eyes, freshen up, dust yourself off, and try again.

This time stay focused on what you're trying to achieve and for whom.
You displayed anger, hostility and profanity in the courthouse.

The last guy who wrote about doing that got grabbed by law enforcement, thrown to the ground, handcuffed, and prosecuted for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.

Learn some self control and maybe you'll have better luck next time.
I'm noncustodial father. I filed to amend custody order. 10 months after the first court date me and the mother stand before the judge but the guardian ad litem (GAL) isn't present luckily she's submitted her thoughts to the court and the judge makes a decision based on that and whatever else. The judge ask me and the mother to step into the lobby and the clerk will put it all on paper. While waiting in the lobby the GAL appears and wants to talk to us the parents. I advised the GAL that "it's been 10 months the judge ruled and I don't wanna FUCKING talk about it anymore" exact words. The GAL runs off and apparently repeats the statement to the judge and us the parents are called back into the court room. Judge ask me the father what happened? I told the judge exactly what I previously typed. The judge then states he doesn't appreciate the profane language and my actions are explosive and dismissed the case?!?!? He held the papers he was signing up and ripped them apart.

1.) The judge and the GAL ruled in my favor before case was dismissed.
2.) This wasn't the first time the GAL was absent from a hearing.
3.) The GAL never did a home visit. When she called she would call blocked then complain when you were uncooperative discussing a juvenile case to a private caller. The GAL ruled in my favor and she wasn't present so I didn't think to say something to the judge about her actions. Then when he dismissed case I was in awe n didn't mention those things.
4.) The mother submitted some false info to the court and as a result case was delayed a month to this final hearing. This was proven in court at the final hearing but the judge said since I didn't file a motion to show cause he couldn't find her in contempt??
5.) I'm not even sure of my question lol but if your gonna say get a lawyer please add a little more. I just need the moral support til I get a day off :)

Why in the world did you cuss out the GAL? That was quite possibly the stupidest thing you could have done.

You are not getting moral support here. You acted like a child for no reason. And you only have yourself to blame for what happened.

Why did you even say that when you knew you were going to have the ruling in your favor? Some people just boggle my mind.
The trial should've been over in 2.5 months but lasted about 10 months due to numerous delays caused/approved by the GAL. If she wasn't going to be present for most of the proceedings and not communicate for the previous 10 months I didn't see a need to talk AFTER the judge ruled. The GAL wasn't present at start of final hearing so judge called the GAL and she didn't pick up so he proceeded with what she presented. Like I said after he ruled the GAL appeared out of nowhere and I gave her 10 months of frustration smh. It shouldn't have taken 10 months to come to the conclusion about what's in the best interest of a toddler smh. What does a GAL do for 10 months?? She sure never did a home visit. After the lie committed by the mother and the delays caused by the GAL it shouldn't have been dismissed by my only wrong deed. Judge Larry Willis is all over Google. Had we had the usual judge I honestly dont think it would've been dismissed and I know the mother would've been found in contempt for the blatant lie she told to delay things. No excuse I was wrong 99.9999% lol. Case has been appealed to the circuit court pray for me.
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The trial should've been over in 2.5 months but lasted about 10 months due to numerous delays caused/approved by the GAL. If she wasn't going to be present for most of the proceedings and not communicate for the previous 10 months I didn't see a need to talk AFTER the judge ruled. The GAL wasn't present at start of final hearing so judge called the GAL and she didn't pick up so he proceeded with what she presented. Like I said after he ruled the GAL appeared out of nowhere and I gave her 10 months of frustration smh. It shouldn't have taken 10 months to come to the conclusion about what's in the best interest of a toddler smh. What does a GAL do for 10 months?? She sure never did a home visit. After the lie committed by the mother and the delays caused by the GAL it shouldn't have been dismissed by my only wrong deed. Judge Larry Willis is all over Google. Had we had the usual judge I honestly dont think it would've been dismissed and I know the mother would've been found in contempt for the blatant lie she told to delay things. No excuse I was wrong 99.9999% lol. Case has been appealed to the circuit court pray for me.

But the judge hasn't ruled yet and you cussed her out.

You can "what if" all day but what happened is it was dismissed and it was because you were a moron. Learn to control your temper.
The trial should've been over in 2.5 months but lasted about 10 months due to numerous delays caused/approved by the GAL. If she wasn't going to be present for most of the proceedings and not communicate for the previous 10 months I didn't see a need to talk AFTER the judge ruled. The GAL wasn't present at start of final hearing so judge called the GAL and she didn't pick up so he proceeded with what she presented. Like I said after he ruled the GAL appeared out of nowhere and I gave her 10 months of frustration smh. It shouldn't have taken 10 months to come to the conclusion about what's in the best interest of a toddler smh. What does a GAL do for 10 months?? She sure never did a home visit. After the lie committed by the mother and the delays caused by the GAL it shouldn't have been dismissed by my only wrong deed. Judge Larry Willis is all over Google. Had we had the usual judge I honestly dont think it would've been dismissed and I know the mother would've been found in contempt for the blatant lie she told to delay things. No excuse I was wrong 99.9999% lol. Case has been appealed to the circuit court pray for me.

I think people are being a little self righteous - I agree that you were wrong - but your frustration is understandable, however, when it comes to getting your baby you need to have all your ducks in order. You do need show restraint and refrain from verbally abusing the person who holds your life in their hands.