I want to get emancipated


New Member
Okay, so i am 16. I currently live with my mother who is mentally abusive and I avoid Going to my fathers house because he is physically and mentally abusive. My grandparents have problems of their own so they can't take me in. What do i have to do to get out of this unsafe environment and can I do It without my parents permission? I am Currently trying to get a job and I have Somewhere I plan On living if I can Do this. I just Don't know if it's possible or where to start
You are posting from Nashville, TN.
Fewer than 1% of all minors who seek emancipation ever receive it.
The reasons you cite aren't what judges look for when the 1% get emancipated.
The reasons you cite are things that land minors in foster care or orphanages under the watchful eye of the court and child services agencies.
Emancipation can take anywhere from 18 to 24 months to achieve.
You'll be an adult in a few months, however, if you're being abused tell a cop, teacher, social worker, religious officiant, school nurse, school principal, medical professional, or call Child Services and ask for help.

You're likely to receive more protection and supervision as a ward of the court, not less.

You'll also be safe, because no parent will be smacking you around or neglecting your care.
Your chances are actually less than 1% because you currently do not have a job. If abuse exist in your home talk to a counselor, teacher etc all are "mandated reporters" and can get you help and your parents help.

You did not go in to detail, but there is a good chance that what you consider abuse is not abuse.
Generally it is better to bid bridges than to burn them.... Try to improve your relationships rather than run from them. You will find things difficult the next couple of years without parental permission.
Until you actually have, not just a job, but a job that is sufficient for you to pay all your own rent, utilities, food, clothing, transportation, insurance, medical care, staples, and all the other incidentals of life without assistance, you're wasting your time even trying.
Okay, so i am 16. I currently live with my mother who is mentally abusive and I avoid Going to my fathers house because he is physically and mentally abusive. My grandparents have problems of their own so they can't take me in. What do i have to do to get out of this unsafe environment and can I do It without my parents permission? I am Currently trying to get a job and I have Somewhere I plan On living if I can Do this. I just Don't know if it's possible or where to start

If you're being abused, report to a trusted adult (teacher, counselor) or the police. You can't just leave without your parent or guardian's permission without some repercussions. You aren't going to get emancipated now either.