i overpaid my self and got dismissed now employer want overpaid money

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New Member
hey whats going on..i have a small problem. I was previously employed, I was getting overpaid every week since january. I had someone else put me exta hours and also himself. I did not involve any supervisors or managers. I got acess to everything. The company found out 3 months after. They saw in camera the other guy going into the office at ours that he was not suppose to get in. I admited to everything because in reality my supervisor was not inlvolve withj this. I statedm that i got the key to get in to the office and also the username and password to have acess to the database of the payroll. I also stated tha the other guy was putting in the hours as they saw him going into the office at times that there was no supervision, They informed us not to go in until furthur notice then informed us to go in for arbitration and to take a statement of how everything was done. I took mines and they stated that i owed an amount of almost 8000 dollars for the past 3 months for getting overpaid. What can i do in this type of situation. I dont have any money to pay them back, mindless they dismissed me and want their money? They allready took two checkes from me and kept it...
You have done something quite unethical - the bottom line is that you should repay the company. If you cannot do it all at once, you should offer to do it in installment payments. Good Luck!
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