I need help with my ex visitation


New Member
My ex and I have joint custody, we have been divorced 2 months and he has decided to introduce another woman and her daughter to my kids already. When my oldest son is in counseling right now for the divorce. He has had a lot of issues BC of lies my ex has told him and issues he's involved him in. He has been sleeping in her 2 bedroom home with her already and my 3 kids. I am not OK with it and don't want them sleeping there. What can I do? He does have a misdemeanor for sexual battery against me as well. Is there anything I can do?
Unless your former spouse is harming the child, there's nothing anyone can do to curtail who he chooses to bed down.

As long as the child isn't involved in his sexual activities, the government won't care.

All you can do is be the best mother you can be.

Stop worrying about what he does, and with whom he chooses to do it with, or to.