How to stop child support

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New Member
My son father and I have came to an agreement on what we feel is best for our son and not what the courts is making him pay. I want to file a motion to stop the support because I hate dealing with the court system. When I questioned them on how to stop the order they told me that he'll still have to pay for the next 18 years and that it can't be stopped. The only reason why he's on CS is because my son was on medicaid but now he's on his father insurance and I have no more dealings with the state. It seems like their going to make this so hard and I have to prove to the judge just cause for stopping the order but I'm not so sure that it will work. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Are you seeing his child support money or is it going to the state? Until the state is paid off they won't let you do it. since there is a history of government assistance you may not be able to do this because once he stops paying or loses his insurance, you can go back on it again. You might be able to reduce the amount he is paying.
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