help cps have custody of my kid

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CPS is all to quick to remove children with out all the facts and ask questions later. When they don't like the real facts and answers they find they make up new ones to suit their purposes. CPS wants to terminate the rights of parents and "sell" those children down the out of family adoption road. They get $20,000 for every child from the Federal GOV't for ever adoption of children to a family outside of the family unit. They do not have incentive to reunite these children with the parents or other family memebers.
I work with CPS in AZ. CPS DOES have the authority to remove a child from the home. If there is domestic violence in this home and there is a baby, the baby is at risk so if CPS removed the child, there is probably more to the story.

Also depending on who was arrested and the criminal record of the parents, yes it may not be out of line to remove the baby.
I wanted to add that CPS removes the child with a court order, which is not hard to get. The family court judges are readily avail 24/7 and CPS sometimes has to go to the judges house and get an order signed. It's not hard. Within an hour or 2 the child can be removed. This is usually in dire circumstances where a child in the home has been severly abused or neglected. Sometimes immediate removals are warranted.
Removal by CPS is state specific. MN it is up to law enforcements decression, and with out a warrent. They just have to have think casue exists and CPS is right there with them to back them up during this process. CPS in MN does not have the authority.
CPS is all to quick to remove children with out all the facts and ask questions later. When they don't like the real facts and answers they find they make up new ones to suit their purposes. CPS wants to terminate the rights of parents and "sell" those children down the out of family adoption road. They get $20,000 for every child from the Federal GOV't for ever adoption of children to a family outside of the family unit. They do not have incentive to reunite these children with the parents or other family memebers.

Thats exactly right. Its one big fraud on the people. Who the hell is the government to tell a parent how to raise their child? It's all about money to the govenment, it has nothing to do with protection. It's all smoke and mirror's and people are taken in by it day in and day out.
If the incentive was $20K to reunite the families, buy george that it what would be happening. But as it stands, families have no chance to be a family after CPS gets ahold of them. The general public does not know this goes on, and does not realize that they have lost all power to control what goes on in ones own home. CPS can tell you how to raise your kids, how big your house should be, how many pets you can have, how much money you should make, and if you don't abide by all these rules, you are a bad parent and they will take your kids and give them to a family that meets their cookie cutter view of what a family should be. That is the truth!!!!!!!!!
What about all the children that die because of lack of action by CPS? I can tell you that with my involvement with CPS, kids are not removed from the home for no reason. 50% of all calls to the CPS line go unsubstantiated. If families were perfect we would not need CPS but it is needed thanks to meth, and all the abuse and neglect that goes on. MANY kids fall through the cracks and are not even helped.

Yes family re-unification is paramount and there must be a case plan to reunite the kids with mom and Dad. Whether or not that plan is followed, or the case moves to severance is mostly up to the parents.

August maybe MN CPS is that way but out here in AZ, approx 90% of all families get re-unified. CPS just does not go and take away kids for now reason.

As far as how many pets you have, if you have a vicious breed of dog that has bitten a child, or your house is a filthy mess with feces everywhere well yes that probably would warrant CPS coming out. Remember somebody has to make the complaint. They just do not show up random at your door.
If all CPS operated as you suggest AZ does then we would be in agreement. Unfortunatly, all CPS offices in many states do not hold themselves to the standards that you speak of. I have seen, been involved in and heard horror stories from several different people in several different states about CPS. This system is broken and needs an overhaul. CPS was created out the best of intentions, but when federal money rewards these unlicensed and uneducated social workers for taking children away from families, for reasons that are not in law, statue something has to be done. Personal opinions are not law and have no place in CPS investagtions. Unfortunatly that is what is happening. That is where we as the "people" need to draw the line. The cases of severe neglect do need our attention, unfortunatly, the sever cases are in the minority being reported, and the cases that should have been unsubstainciated are being pushed to the top to make a point, "we have the power and we will use it". Absolute power corrupts absolutly! This is what has happened to CPS.

Here is a website to "enlighten" you about CPS and how corrupt and evil they can be.

Look at Florida one time, not so long ago, they were stealing kids left and right for money, then didn't keep records of who's kid's they were!

I guess it's okay if the government destroys a childs life, just so long as the parents don't.

augustbaby_1968, I agree with you 100%, you have posted truth.
That website is obviously an anti CPS website so those opinions are not unbiased. For every 1 family that claims their kids were improperly removed, there are 10 families where removal was warranted.

CPS is needed and there are many families out there who abuse and neglect their kids. MOST kids that wind up dead have some sort of previous contact with CPS.

You know what? If you are a good, responsible hard working parent who takes care of their kids and puts them first, itis highly unlikely you will ever have to deal with CPS.
Because those of us choose to fight for what is right, we are wrong to have an opposing view? I think that's just how the civil rights movement started. Wrong is wrong, no matter how you try to morally justify it. The few cases that may be justified do not outweight the many thousands of bad cases and families torn apart by CPS and over zealous social workers. The evidence is there, the blind choose not to see reality.
Guys - I think we are straying far from the original topic at hand. But before we hopefully redirect focus here, let me say a few words on this topic.

There are good people, there are bad. CPS is a very needed service to help counter the horrific wrongs on children that occur in our society and, at the same time there are occasions of abuse of power that need to be checked. Nothing is perfect and there could not be a functioning society without a CPS effort.

On one end, I have posted on this site one of the most horrific cases of power-drunk guardian ad litem abuse of power that has ever occurred. It makes one want to toss their Wheaties to see the long standing fraud that occurred on the court and everyone around them. But it's important to remember that this is an exception. It's very difficult and we need to constantly try to improve the system every day.

I have a very good friend who works in the school system as a guidance counselor. Every day she must make calls as to whether or not report a case of domestic violence against a child. This is a difficult line to draw. Not only do people not want government to pry into their business, but on the other side of the coin, a wrong decision of not intruding can result in serious injury or death to a child. My friend has to live with her failure to act and the consequences. For innocent parents it shouldn't be too difficult to cooperate to show that no abuse is occurring and in most instances it should work. My friend and the other coworkers are not irrational, heartless people.

One last statement I have to make - in many instances I have witnessed, I've found abusive parents more focused on their rights than on the welfare of the child. They are obsessed with government intervention and trumpet that claim and protest in order to shield focus on the truth that their own child is being neglected. So often I've heard "well, all I do is smoke pot which is really medicinal, etc." as if they are the perfect parents but for this item which they rationalize isn't bad either even though it is illegal and a jailable offense. But 99.9% of the time it's not just one thing.

So let's get back to the point of the thread. While Scooterdog has a point about the father appearing to be the abuser, that is only an inference and clearly a part of the story. Jacksgal and Duranie did point out that we don't know any of the facts of the case nor all the circumstances. They are far from revealed here and so we can't come to a conclusion about her but it's certainly possible that the mother has other problems which she hasn't posted. Frequently abused women will keep taking back their abuser(s) until they get serious help. Most of the time CPS doesn't just tear babies from the arms of a mother - besides the human element, where are you going to put the children too? The only thing that is clear here is that there is no question that abuse was occurring in this household. A decision was made to remove the child from an abusive situation and getting the child back involves proving that the abusive situation no longer exists. Working with CPS to establish this doesn't seem to be bad advice and the reality is that as the child is gone, the poster needs to do what she can to clearly indicate that she's a responsible person in order to at the very least put CPS in a position to defend its decision to keep the child elsewhere.
August you are lumping all CPS workers as worthless and overzealous. The only blind people are the clueless parents that continue to have kids when they cannot take care of them. I know many women with kids in the system that are pregnant again. I do not know of very many parents that actually admit to abuse or neglect. They lie, will do anything, blame someone else to get their kids back and when they get them back, they go back to the same old crappy lifestyle. I am a CASA and my child I advocate for has 2 loser meth head parents. Mom abandoned the baby when she gave birth, dad was locked up. Neither has shown any interest in the child. Where would this baby be if CPS hadn't intervened? Thanks to CPS the baby is in a great foster home where the foster parents want to adopt.

Let's face it. Some people should be sterilized and not be allowed to have kids. I guarantee you that if you are a good parent, you stay away from drugs and abusive relationships, you probably will never have to deal wth CPS.
Nina: Lets put aside opinions here as they wont help you. We dont know the entire circumstances that brought your child(rens) removal from your home and its possible you might be keeping some things from us. All that is fine. Your goal is return of the child(ren) to you. First you must remove the abuser from your home (if still with you) Second you must seek mental help for yourself. Third and most important you must work with CPS (right or wrong) because it will be the caseworker who decides (or tells judge) if its safe to return child(ren) to you. There are no other avenues available. Like it or not it is what you have to do.
I am a good parent, and have been fighting CPS for 1 year to get my nieces back. I have appealed, and waited over a year for a decision . After I sent in my first appeal, thesocial workers made new complaints that were totaling false and tried to delay the appeal process (and succeeded ). After that was shown false, they started more allegations a weekbe ore thehearing, and after the judge in the TPR hearing told them to stop what they were doing. Each time I prove they are wrong spreading false info to the judge and DHS judge, I get more allegations that were never part of the original case or concerns. Don't tell me abuse of power doesn't EXIST!!!! It is alive and well and is practiced in CPS in all states.
I had a lawyer once tell me never to let CPS in your home, they always find something wrong. He said that is their job, "find something wrong" even if it's not there.

Just another agency costing the working man money. I don't beleive it is needed, society did just fine without CPS for hundreds of years.

Abuse and neglect will always be there. CPS has in no way stopped or even slowed it. Just a reason to employ people who would other wise be un-employable.

Govenment con-trol is what it all boils down to.
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