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What's the official and parallel citation

You need to know the primary citation and parallel citations so that you can properly cite a case when you refer to it in your memos, briefs, etc.
You cannot assume that your reader will use the same reporter as you to look up the case.

Case citations are the unique citing reference given to each case referring to where the case is published in a book. Case citations are made up of three parts – volume, reporter designation and page number. For example; International Shoe v. Washington, 326 U.S. 310 (U.S. 1945).

326 is the volume of the official United States Supreme Court reporter
U.S. is the designation for the official United States Supreme Court reporter
310 is the first page where the case is printed in the United States Supreme Court reporter

What's a reporter? The reporter is the book that cases are printed in. A case is said to be "published" when it appears in a reporter. If a case does not appear in a reporter and is only available through an electronic source like LexisNexis then it is said to be "unpublished." Cases that cannot be found in reporters or electronic sources are said to be "unreported."

Cases are found in many different reporters and electronic sources and each has a unique citation associated with it. It is common practice to mention the "parallel citations" for a case when referencing it so the reader can find the case no matter which source they are using. For example, you may see a citation like this:

Wood v. Lucy, Lady Duff-Gordon, 222 N.Y. 88, 118 N.E. 214, 1917 N.Y. LEXIS 818 (N.Y. 1917)

22 N.Y. 88 is the official New York reporter citation.
18 N.E. 214 is the North Eastern regional reporter citation.
917 N.Y. LEXIS 818 is the online LexisNexis citation.

For additional information on case citations, this site will offer more information on cites. (LOL)
