grandchild guardianship

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My daughter had a baby 2 months ago. She tested positive for prescription drugs that where not hers when she delivered. She is now back on the pills and I am concerned for the welfare of the baby. She sleeps through things and is very violent while awake when she is on the pills. She has had a problem with the law and other drugs in the past. I was hoping the baby would change things but doesn't appear to have. I want the baby to be safe and am concerned that when she finds out I have asked about guardianship or custody she will try to harm me. She has already threatened me about it. My questions are, what do I need to do to protect the child and what chance do I have of getting him? Do the courts just side with the parents? I will be putting my life on the line and that is very scarey. The father of the baby is with her and also on drugs. He has a 5 year old that he is not allowed to see or be around that was court ordered.
Does anyone have any advice? How much does it take for the court to say the parents are not capable to have the child? There are plenty of police records and er records from the violence between the two of them also. Please help.....
She lives with me off and on. She is 22 and he is 30 and neither have ever had a job or place to live. Only bounce from place to place until someone gets tired of them stealing from them. She came home from the hospital to my house but 2 days ago took off and has been gone. She has called and I can tell she is on something, slurring words and such (I have heard it before in the last 8 years) The baby is with me. I am afraid she will come back to take him to where ever she is now.
My daughter had a baby 2 months ago. She tested positive for prescription drugs that where not hers when she delivered. She is now back on the pills and I am concerned for the welfare of the baby. She sleeps through things and is very violent while awake when she is on the pills. She has had a problem with the law and other drugs in the past. I was hoping the baby would change things but doesn't appear to have. I want the baby to be safe and am concerned that when she finds out I have asked about guardianship or custody she will try to harm me. She has already threatened me about it. My questions are, what do I need to do to protect the child and what chance do I have of getting him? Do the courts just side with the parents? I will be putting my life on the line and that is very scarey. The father of the baby is with her and also on drugs. He has a 5 year old that he is not allowed to see or be around that was court ordered.

Was CPS notified by the Hospital that the infant tested positive for drugs at birth? What happened with that case??
My daughter told me the baby was clean it was just her that was positive. I do not know if that is true or not. A case worker came to the hospital and talked to her and filled out papers of some sort but told her if she could get released from the hospital before they came back she would get to take the baby with her. This is all from my daughter by the way. She got released a day early and left with the baby and as far as I know she has not been contacted by DHS at all since then. She told me she tried to overdose and kill herself the day before she delivered so I don't know if/how the baby could have been clean.
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