forcing employees to fund raise or else


New Member
I work for a nonprofit company that helps with the daily living for disabled adults. Coming up is the polar bear plunge and our boss likes to raise alot of money for this charity. This year we got a company memo stating that we are required to raise a minimum of $100 or suffer being forced to take the plunge on our own hours into a river that has been tested as unsafe unclean to swim in. I know that i will not be able to raise this money and my boss often has the stern do it or else approach, i considered even just giving the money out of my pocket and doing without things i need such as food ect so i would not get in trouble and possibly loose my job. I was wondering is this even legal for my boss to force us to raise money for a charity she wants?
Avoid confrontation or conflict, simply call in sick when the day arrives.

Otherwise, if you dislike bullies, quit!

That's what I'd have done years ago.
There is no law that says an employer cannot require an employee to do charitable fund-raising; therefore he can.
It's not something I would require employees to do but I don't see where it is illegal. You might want to consider looking for other employment. Don't quit before you have another job or you VERY likely would not receive unemployment ins.