fathers effort to get split custody

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New Member
Is it possible for a man to get split custody joint legal and physical custody of my 10 year old son ? we have been divorced since september 15 2010 i am remarried and she has a live in boyfriend i have been a very active father in my sons life we have been through mediation and things were going well until she found out her chld support might go down then she started ostructing visits to every other weekend i get no holidays nothing else and when she finds out i want to go out of town with him she wont let him come at all CAN I GET WHAT I WANT !!!!!1:(
Is it possible for a man to get split custody joint legal and physical custody of my 10 year old son ? we have been divorced since september 15 2010 i am remarried and she has a live in boyfriend i have been a very active father in my sons life we have been through mediation and things were going well until she found out her chld support might go down then she started ostructing visits to every other weekend i get no holidays nothing else and when she finds out i want to go out of town with him she wont let him come at all CAN I GET WHAT I WANT !!!!!1:(


You need to tell the FULL STORY.




Custody has already been decided. The court WILL NOT entertain a petition to modify at this point - as you've been told several times.
That is the full story she says I talk about her but she does the same she will say I want split custody because I dont want to pay child support I have financially taken care of my son all his life and I take pride in that ,now what will stop me ,me talking about her and her talking about me
You can ask the question 971241248 different times.

The answer remains the same.

Custody has already been decided. You have no change in circumstance. And really - you're not exactly squeaky clean here, Dad.
You can ask the question 971241248 different times.

The answer remains the same.

Custody has already been decided. You have no change in circumstance. And really - you're not exactly squeaky clean here, Dad.
Custody has not been decided and nobody in this matter has been squeaky clean none of us are perfect ,i know I have made some mistakes but she has made same ones , being the woman gives her somekind of advantage , you know if I gave all the details this post could go on forever but we both have made the same general mistakes in raising our son except being criminals doing drugs you make it seem like I have no chance for some reason I am glad the lord look into ones heart and know there true intentions I will not accept your post as thought out I will look at as someone who dont know the facts and instead of showing some compassion in there response you want to discourage and hurt someone good day and gid bless you for fhe lord has the last word !
Oh that's right - there are no court orders.

My apologies.

In that case, you have virtually no chance at all of getting 50-50 custody with Mom - she has been the child's primary caregiver all this time and that will remain the case.

...as you were told elsewhere.
Don't you want an honest answer?

This is a legal forum.

Compassion and emotion have nothing to do with the answers we dispense.

If you want your ego stroked and your hand held, there are other forums on the 'net that do that rather well.

However, we endeavor to provide legal advice.

That said, each case is ultimately in the hands of a judge and possibly a jury. So, there are no guarantees.

Custody has not been decided and nobody in this matter has been squeaky clean none of us are perfect ,i know I have made some mistakes but she has made same ones , being the woman gives her somekind of advantage , you know if I gave all the details this post could go on forever but we both have made the same general mistakes in raising our son except being criminals doing drugs you make it seem like I have no chance for some reason I am glad the lord look into ones heart and know there true intentions I will not accept your post as thought out I will look at as someone who dont know the facts and instead of showing some compassion in there response you want to discourage and hurt someone good day and gid bless you for fhe lord has the last word !
I will continue my fight people I am glad you people are not the last say she has been his primary caregiver for what a year because she focicably keep my son away from me this sounds like a wmans website its ok though I have real attorneys now who sees things a lot differently
I will continue my fight people I am glad you people are not the last say she has been his primary caregiver for what a year because she focicably keep my son away from me this sounds like a wmans website its ok though I have real attorneys now who sees things a lot differently

Good for you getting those "real attorneys" on a holiday weekend.

You had no attorney when you started the thread on Thursday.

Now you're rolling in the moola, cheese, Benjamins, cheddar, swatch, loot, dinero, paper, money. You go, big boy, you go!

It's Monday (30 May) and you now have a "team of attorneys" ready to do battle. Damn skippy you don't need us women advising you.

You told us, big guy. Rich guy, too!

Atta boy, big boy, you done told us women off!

SMDH in awe of _____________!
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I will continue my fight people I am glad you people are not the last say she has been his primary caregiver for what a year because she focicably keep my son away from me this sounds like a wmans website its ok though I have real attorneys now who sees things a lot differently

Oh please don't lie to us.

You were answered elsewhere by AN ATTORNEY, you've been answered here by a JUDGE and suddenly - during the holiday weekend - you've found other attorneys who disagree WITH THE LAW?

Come on now.
Good for you getting those "real attorneys" on a holiday weekend.

You had no attorney when you started the thread on Thursday.

Now you're rolling in the moola, cheese, Benjamins, cheddar, swatch, loot, dinero, paper, money. You go, big boy, you go!

It's Monday (30 May) and you now have a "team of attorneys" ready to do battle. Damn skippy you don't need us women advising you.

You told us, big guy. Rich guy, too!

Atta boy, big boy, you done told us women off!

SMDH in awe of _____________!

AJ - I just snorkled Newcastle Brown Ale out of my nose, you made me laugh so hard!

Memorial Day thoughts to you, by the way - thank YOU for your service, and your continued contributions here.

(I somehow can't bring myself to put "Happy" in front of that - maybe because I'm remembering those lost, or because my youngest is still in Afghanistan, or I don't know...I think you'll understand what I mean though)
Newcastle Brown, great choice.

I know what you mean, but thanks anyway.

This isn't a happy day we commemorate.

May God watch over your loved one.

Thank him for his service.

AJ - I just snorkled Newcastle Brown Ale out of my nose, you made me laugh so hard!

Memorial Day thoughts to you, by the way - thank YOU for your service, and your continued contributions here.

(I somehow can't bring myself to put "Happy" in front of that - maybe because I'm remembering those lost, or because my youngest is still in Afghanistan, or I don't know...I think you'll understand what I mean though)
(She's a little "she" - just 23 - but she, I and her Daddy thank you regardless!) :)
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