Child is 3 months, born on 2/6/2014. Father signed AOP in hospital, has provided some financial support and has had liberal visitation with child. Upon being served papers to appear in family court to establish child support on 4/22/2014 (first court appearance 5/14/2014), on 5/5/2014 father subsequently served mother with a petition to vacate acknowledgement of parternity, claiming fraud, duress or material mistake of fact. He claims that around the time the child was conceived, we were not involved roamtically were each seeing multiple partners an that I have been in an exclusive realtionship with another man (he names man) since 2005.
What are my chances of having the magistrate denying the request for DNA testing, dismissing the petition to vacate paternity and moving forward with a court of for support during the very first appearance?
For the record, father and I had been involved romantically (and exclusively on my part) since 2012. He is the only possible father. I can prove with date/time stamp pictures, emails, chats and text messages that we have been romatically involved since 2012.
What are my chances of having the magistrate denying the request for DNA testing, dismissing the petition to vacate paternity and moving forward with a court of for support during the very first appearance?
For the record, father and I had been involved romantically (and exclusively on my part) since 2012. He is the only possible father. I can prove with date/time stamp pictures, emails, chats and text messages that we have been romatically involved since 2012.