Father died at fault of company. Please help.

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New Member
This is my first post, so please bare with me and sorry if it's not in the right section. At this time I dont have all the details, but I need advice on what I should do. When I was a child,my father worked for a minning company. They sent him in one day without the proper equiptment and died because the company neglected to give him breathing equiptment. We went to court to gain compensation, but my mother re-married before the end. She decided to stop going and dropped it. According to my mother, we were already past the part of proving the company was at fault, and were discussing the amount of compensation. Well, she is currently going through a divorce and her divorce lawyer told her that the day I turned 18, I could take the company back to court and gain compensation for me and my sisters. So this is where I'm stuck. I don't know what to do. That's why I'm here, looking for advice. Do I really have the chance of gaining compensation for me and my sisters? What do I do? Who do I hire? How do I hire? How can I get this process going? Please help me.
This is my first post, so please bare with me and sorry if it's not in the right section. At this time I dont have all the details, but I need advice on what I should do. When I was a child,my father worked for a minning company. They sent him in one day without the proper equiptment and died because the company neglected to give him breathing equiptment. We went to court to gain compensation, but my mother re-married before the end. She decided to stop going and dropped it. According to my mother, we were already past the part of proving the company was at fault, and were discussing the amount of compensation. Well, she is currently going through a divorce and her divorce lawyer told her that the day I turned 18, I could take the company back to court and gain compensation for me and my sisters. So this is where I'm stuck. I don't know what to do. That's why I'm here, looking for advice. Do I really have the chance of gaining compensation for me and my sisters? What do I do? Who do I hire? How do I hire? How can I get this process going? Please help me.

First of all, I am sorry to hear of your loss.
I hope you are healing.
Losing your father as a child must have been tough.
Nothing might come of what i am about to tell you.
So, please do not get your hopes up until you get deeper into this process.

Okay, here goes.
The best place to start is with a local personal injury attorney.
If you have a case, it will be for wrongful death.
Make an appointment with a local personal injury attorney.
Collect everything your mother had and take it with you to the personal injury attorney.
If your mother can attend, it would be helpful.
If not, the lawyer might want to call her.
The initial consultation is normally free.
Make sure of that before you agree to the appointment.
If the attorney takes your case, he/she will take it on a contingency.
That means they'll take the case for a piece of what they get you.
Usually that is about 1/3 of the award.
If they get you nothing, you owe them nothing.

You might have to visit a couple of attorneys to get true feeling on this.
If three attorneys tell you that you have no case, let it go.
Who knows until you give it a try.
Good luck and God bless.
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