False child abuse police reports?

Hello, my wife and I have recently been getting multiple false reports of child abuse. Someone has been anonymously filing tips to the local police that we are physically and sexually abusing our 16 year old son. The person reporting says that our son told them that he was being abused. However, our son adamantly denies that he ever did such a thing, and we believe him. So far, there have been 3 incidents of police getting reports, and every report escalates in severity.

We have NO idea who this is. We don't have any crazy exes/in-laws. Our neighbors are nice, and i heavily doubt this was them. My wife and I are married, so this isn't a custody battle thing either.

My family is so confused and stressed right now. Police legally have to investigate all claims of child abuse, even the ones that are false. Child abuse is such a serious accusation, it's so hard to prove innocence. The false claims made against us escalate with each report.We're worried that one day, there might be a report so serious that the police take away our son for emergency removal. Please help!
Please help!

While I can appreciate your predicament, it's unclear what sort of "help" you think anonymous strangers on an internet message board could provide.

If you want to retain an attorney, I'd suggest a criminal defense attorney more than a family law attorney. However, either way, mere allegations where nothing is found to support them will start to be treated less and less seriously.

We don't have any crazy exes/in-laws. Our neighbors are nice, and i heavily doubt this was them. My wife and I are married, so this isn't a custody battle thing either.

Any chance your son has pissed off someone at school? Maybe a girl who likes him but whom he doesn't like? High school students can be crazy simply by virtue of their age and teen hormones.
I've represented my share of mentally deficient and morally bereft criminal defendants. That isn't unusual. What is unusual, perhaps bizarre, several of the aforementioned defendants victimized themselves and FALSELY accused innocent acquaintances, friends, relatives, or coworkers of sexually molesting, assaulting, robbing, or even raping him/her.

I've learned to take the initial denial with not a grain of salt, but a 50 pound bag of rock salt.