Ex parte temporary guardianship order

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New Member
So i came home yesterday from my friends house and my parents showed up with this paper work but no dfs and police and a lady i have never seen before hands me this papers, That were signed by the judge supposedly but something off like the week prior i had police buy to do a wellness check and they said you look like you are doing well.. They said everything was good and they know how my mom can be.. Then dfs came the next day said they heard i didn't have food but dfs was like you have tons of food yada yada your good to go lindsy. I had an open case for 2 1/2 years and it was open cause i wanted it open longer so i could feel safe in my recovery, So thats why idk how debi Dawe got these paper signed and stuff the attorney is a fired da who lost his job friday and judge cranfill im sure went off he said stuff cause theirs no proff that I was being a drug dealer of meth and herion.. Its lies and more lies.. So i need to know how to go about getting my daughter back home to me safely... Before any more brain washing and before she is so messed up and hates and trust nobody
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You go to court when directed and request a lawyer be appointed to see that you get a fair hearing. Until that happens nothing much you can do, unless you hire yourself a lawyer. The hearing is where what happens next occurs. In the meantime, improve your situation. There's always a few things YOU can do to improve yourself.
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