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Hello, recently our car was repossessed, our power turned off and an eviction is pending due to work hour cutbacks and medical problems. We also recently file bankruptcy and have depleted all funds avaiible with the exception of an esop retirement plan. this plan does not allow for loans or hardship withdrawal and a mere 7500.00 is needed asap to get on our feet. The fund has 25,000.00 mostly in company stock and is only availible at retirement or death with the exception of termination where 10 percent is paid within 120 days and the remainder in 5 years minus tax. My question is " is it legal to sell this retirement fund to an individual or company with proper legal papers drawn up, or is my only option to quit and take the 10 percent which will only get a by for a while.
Apparently you can have a retirement fund and be destitute. Thanks for the replies, we are now homeless and without hope. With any luck I'll die so my family can go on.
It depends on the fund some funds you can borrow against the fund the question should be posed to Vanguard, Merill Lynch or who ever runs the fund. Have you contacted them?
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