Equal time sharing

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New Member
My 2 children have told me that my ex makes frequent disparaging statements about myself, my current wife and my new daughter. My children also have told me that their mother has forbidden them to tell me what goes on in their mother's house, to the point they were scared telling me this and begged me not to say anything to their mother. Is there any way to have them be heard by the court without their mother knowing of any testimony they give? I want to have them more of the time based on my children asking me to spend more nights at my home. Do I have any grounds for equal time share?
You cannot have a secret meeting with the judge. Anything he considers has to be in open session (as open as family court might allow in your jurisdiction). But, the judge can certainly speak with the children in private should he wish to.

You might want to bring the issue up to your attorney and ask that the custody and visitation order be revisited. I am not sure what can be done about mom telling them not to pass on to you what happens in her home, but anything might be possible. The closest order like that I have seen in CA is an order that compels the parties not to speak ill of the other parent in the presence of the kids.

- Carl
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