Zachary Mckay
New Member
- Jurisdiction
- Connecticut
Hi. My name is Zach. It's 2019, I dated my ex in 2017. I'm a 28 y.o. male this August. My ex stephanie is 25. We split in Feb 2017. I loved this girl more than life itself, she was my world and I went the distance to prove it (yet I was not perfect) and I failed her and she left me. It HURT but fine, I'm a man and i'll Let it eat me alive until my grave.
My issue now 2 years later is, every where i go her good friend Madison torments me in public. Yet I'm extremely kind and nice to her none of her other friends do this .....She says out loud .im a "bad Man" an "abuser" of my ex..."an asshole" etc..:.and this is no joke. Literally every single time I'm out. And honestly I'm a good man and I have a good heart. This is extremely annoying, me and my ex are both over it (at least I am) it was 2 years ago we've Dated other people since. This girl is crazy, she was screaming I'm going to call the cops on you for no reason at all makes me look bad and she doesn't understand the inter-dynamics of me and my ex's relationship at all...
Flash back to my ex 2 years prior, we split up, we agreed to give eachother space she life 30 mins away in her own town, i agreed to not go to her bars or area for a bit and vise versa, so what happens? 1st week of breakup, I'm headed to my local car 2 mins from my house, for my bday, she knows I go there, she knows I grew up there, she knows all my friends there, when I show up I see her there with all her friends..this makes me extremely annoyed cuz I know she did this on purpose, she was instigating and no respecting our unwritten agreement, I wanted to enjoy myself. She was deliberately antagonizing the situation, AND she's the one who wanted to breakup with me I tried EVERYTHING to keep her and safe this 3 year relationship, she was being cold hearted. I didn't want her talking to or fucking any of my friends, I was too in love with her at this time..I needed space and she had no respect for what does my drunk dumbass do? I approach her, ask her why she's here, told her about our agreement for space, we argue, she was very rude and very bitchy to me, I say can we speak outside? I was getting annoyed, she says no, I GENTLY put my hand on her wrist look her in the eye and say Steph can we speak outside, she replied with another bitchy comment.,.i could do NOTHING, so worst decision I take my essentially empty beer and pour it on her...this was a very impulsive and emotional decision, ironically if I didn't love her I never woulda done her friends obviously retaliate I get 5 beers dumped on me and I'm physically attacked and pushed ..I walk directly to the bar manager who I know from growing up there and explain what I did, he said ok just take the night off, I said fine and left and went home to my house 2 mins down the road on my bday to sit alone...15 mins later two police cruisers show up, one of my ex's very drunk girl friends who was already kicked out of the bar for being belligerent called the police on me for "assaulting" my ex with a beer..and I'm arrested and taken down to the station. I battle a court case with my lawyer for 1 year and 1/2 for breach of peace and domestic..I spent over $2000 on lawyer fees and I'm a full time nursing student. My ex never had to show up once and there was zero proof I even poured a beer it was simply all word of mouth. A year and a half later I have all chargers erased and off my record. Yet this girl, my ex's best friend, continues to harass me when we are out! In front of entire bars people and friends and honestly she doesn't even know me or fully understand me and my ex's relationship.
My issue now 2 years later is, every where i go her good friend Madison torments me in public. Yet I'm extremely kind and nice to her none of her other friends do this .....She says out loud .im a "bad Man" an "abuser" of my ex..."an asshole" etc..:.and this is no joke. Literally every single time I'm out. And honestly I'm a good man and I have a good heart. This is extremely annoying, me and my ex are both over it (at least I am) it was 2 years ago we've Dated other people since. This girl is crazy, she was screaming I'm going to call the cops on you for no reason at all makes me look bad and she doesn't understand the inter-dynamics of me and my ex's relationship at all...
Flash back to my ex 2 years prior, we split up, we agreed to give eachother space she life 30 mins away in her own town, i agreed to not go to her bars or area for a bit and vise versa, so what happens? 1st week of breakup, I'm headed to my local car 2 mins from my house, for my bday, she knows I go there, she knows I grew up there, she knows all my friends there, when I show up I see her there with all her friends..this makes me extremely annoyed cuz I know she did this on purpose, she was instigating and no respecting our unwritten agreement, I wanted to enjoy myself. She was deliberately antagonizing the situation, AND she's the one who wanted to breakup with me I tried EVERYTHING to keep her and safe this 3 year relationship, she was being cold hearted. I didn't want her talking to or fucking any of my friends, I was too in love with her at this time..I needed space and she had no respect for what does my drunk dumbass do? I approach her, ask her why she's here, told her about our agreement for space, we argue, she was very rude and very bitchy to me, I say can we speak outside? I was getting annoyed, she says no, I GENTLY put my hand on her wrist look her in the eye and say Steph can we speak outside, she replied with another bitchy comment.,.i could do NOTHING, so worst decision I take my essentially empty beer and pour it on her...this was a very impulsive and emotional decision, ironically if I didn't love her I never woulda done her friends obviously retaliate I get 5 beers dumped on me and I'm physically attacked and pushed ..I walk directly to the bar manager who I know from growing up there and explain what I did, he said ok just take the night off, I said fine and left and went home to my house 2 mins down the road on my bday to sit alone...15 mins later two police cruisers show up, one of my ex's very drunk girl friends who was already kicked out of the bar for being belligerent called the police on me for "assaulting" my ex with a beer..and I'm arrested and taken down to the station. I battle a court case with my lawyer for 1 year and 1/2 for breach of peace and domestic..I spent over $2000 on lawyer fees and I'm a full time nursing student. My ex never had to show up once and there was zero proof I even poured a beer it was simply all word of mouth. A year and a half later I have all chargers erased and off my record. Yet this girl, my ex's best friend, continues to harass me when we are out! In front of entire bars people and friends and honestly she doesn't even know me or fully understand me and my ex's relationship.