New Member
Three years ago my husband filed for divorce from his then wife whom he has a minor child with. She was awarded custody, and he was given visitation though it had to be at the grandfather's house (the ex wife's father) and we live a state away so visitation has never happened. My husband was made to pay nearly $500/month child support (which has nearly killed us most months!). He has paid that every month now for almost 3 years. We just found out last night thru a friend in GA (we live in FL), that the child was taken away from the mother by DFACS nearly a year ago and cusotdy was awarded to the grandfather (her father). All this without anyone letting us know! So my question is actually 2 things: First, shouldn't my husband NOT be paying child support to her since she no longer has custody of the child? And second, shouldn't my husband be able to go back to court and fight again for the chance of custody of his child? Thank you!