Do they have the right



New Jersey
Is there a way after repeated calls made from a single anonymous person who had repeated harassment over 2 years time can I somehow legally request dyfs say the name of the person to in court for a restraining order? how can I get this man to stop calling dyfs every week! I'm tired of living my life expecting a visit weekly from a random dyfs worker at midnight. he calls weekly they come close the case repeat. had 5 restraining orders that were all dropped by the judge. I have a well documented history with this man at my local police department. I'm at a loss it seems...any advise please...
Is there a way after repeated calls made from a single anonymous person who had repeated harassment over 2 years time can I somehow legally request dyfs say the name of the person to in court for a restraining order? how can I get this man to stop calling dyfs every week! I'm tired of living my life expecting a visit weekly from a random dyfs worker at midnight. he calls weekly they come close the case repeat. had 5 restraining orders that were all dropped by the judge. I have a well documented history with this man at my local police department. I'm at a loss it seems...any advise please...

All you can do is live your life, raise your children, and obey their laws.

You can politely refuse to speak with DFYS, when they next appear.

You seem as if you are doing a great job as a parent, because DFYS appears, harasses you, then disappears, until your "enemy" drops another lie in the ear of DFYS.

I suggest you simply avoid the person, keep ignoring the troublemaker, and don't pursue a restraining order.


Because, your enemy won't abide by the order anyway.