Divorce sc

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New Member
Been split up from wife a year now. Was going to get the do it yourself divorce for $149 because we agree on mostly everything. I still carry her on my insurance until her work has the renewal time to do it. I give her $300 a month which Is half the house payment. Since I am giving her the house instead of taking half I am reconsidering paying her half which is the $300. We have 3 kids I keep all day until she gets off work at 7 or 10 pm but they do stay with her overnight because I work third shift. So basically we have shared custody. I'm just wondering if the do it yourself divorce is the best option or should we go with the lawyers. And I don't believe I should pay half the house since I'm giving it to her. And I don't believe if she decided to take me for child support that it would be fair cause I have them more than she does. Need some advice...
You will pay child support, if you don't have custody.
The law doesn't care what you think.
That said, you might be better off speaking with a divorce attorney, before you decide.
Whatever you pay without a court order is simply a gift.

That is why you need to speak with a divorce or family law attorney.

Your thoughts are flawed.

You also have children, and you need to reconsider how you will support them and that isn't $300 a month and house with a mortgage.

Support of three children in SC (assuming you each make about $4,500 a month) approaches $800, if not $1,100 (or more) each month; plus health care premiums.

Here, play with your numbers:


You might want to read this blog, and then rethink your next steps.

OP - it might not seem like it to you, but overnights are CRITICAL. In the states where time-sharing directly impacts child support, it's the overnights which count.
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