Divorce agreement. Vacation question?


New Member
1st post... thanks for looking.. Mass resident.. Divorced 2 years..
And tbh it's just as bad now... as it was before.. I will be the first to tell you this is stupid.. to me it is her actions that put me in a position which makes things difficult to move forward planning anything in the summer..
See attached agreement.

Now the fun... she tells me end of last week that she wants a vacation starting on my weekend. In my response I tell her no, that's my weekend, and I actually got approved for that week and the 1st week in Aug. She responds by saying fine.. I'll take week after, but because of work I want Mondays (my days) because of my work travel, I tell her no...it ain't up for a discussion you have burned me in the past.

She then responds well I am now taking the week originally questioned and oh by the way I am on vacation now and you don't get the kids back until 8/3..

(Like I said, real stupid stuff) I am on my way to the police station this afternoon.. but I suspect this is all civil and won't be able to do anything. Unless I want to spend thousands.

She is literally deciding to keep the kids claiming vacation time while she is traveling out of state..and stating she is first so I can't have my week which she interfering with.

The picture is sideways so I'm not going to bother reading it.

Wouldn't be necessary for me to read it anyway.

If she's in non-compliance, it's back to court you go if you want to enforce it.

Yeah, it's stupid. But it's common between hostile exes. I read it every day.

You either let it happen and do the best you can when you do see your kids or you haul her back to court either with our without an attorney.
I am on my way to the police station this afternoon.

Why? The job of the police is to deal with actual or suspected criminal activity. They have nothing to do with anything of the sort you described.

As far as the document of which you posted a sideways picture, I read as far as the statement that the mother gets first choice of weeks for vacation in odd years (such as 2017). While I didn't really follow the second paragraph of the post, doesn't her having first choice resolve all this?
I am so happy I don't have to exist through this drama.

My advice to someone that isn't married, and hasn't been bred, or sired a brood, DON'T.

When the train derails, and most seem to derail, you'll be like Old Humpty Dumpty.

@bob.sexton.925 I hope you get this sorted, mate.
From what little I read because it's hard to read something sideways it specifically says in odd years she gets first choice for vacation time.

The police aren't going to do anything so don't waste your time. I don't think she's violating anything from what little I read.