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New Member
I would like to know if you could kindly tell me if I have a case.

I have been working for a company for fourteen years. In my performance review, at the beginning of this year I was given a perfect review for my achievements from the previous year. A month later HR sent an email to all managers in the company to remind them about completing the additional Potential Assessment review for all their subordinates.
When I read HR's email, I went to the department's manager to ask her if I could be nominated for the Managerial Development Program offered by the headquarters. I told her that I felt qualified for it and that was willing to do the extra work. At that time she told me that I needed to talk to my immediate supervisor instead. I few days later, I scheduled a meeting with my immediate supervisor and asked him the same question and listed several of my important achievement from previous years. At first, he told me he didn't anything about that program and that he needed to do some search. I said fair enough.

I few days later he scheduled another meeting to discussed my request. To my surprise the request was denied. The reason for this, as he put it, is that I had not done anything extra, extra ordinary during my fourteen years. When I asked him for specifics, he started to make things up. I was very confused since none of the reasons he gave me made sense. In addition, he said that he had talked to the department manager who originally told me to talked to my manager and that decision had been made by her
Before I started the conversations with my managers, I had talked to HR to find out about the process I needed to follow in order to enter the program and they said I needed to talk to your managers. I feel am being discriminated because of my Hispanic heritage as nobody can give good reasons why I do not qualify for a promotion
I have printed performance reviews as well as emails that describe this issue in more details. Do I have a case?
You have posted nothing to suggest that your race has anything to do with the matter. Why do you think so? And what evidence could you provide?
You have posted nothing to suggest that your race has anything to do with the matter. Why do you think so? And what evidence could you provide?

Employers can do a number of things to be discriminitory, such as using "attendance" policies to discriminate against disabled workers. Just because the sup or manager does not say outright that the employee is not eligible due to race, the undermining effects and intent may be there.

What would make you think that the employer is NOT being discriminitory in this case?
Employers can do a number of things to be discriminitory, such as using "attendance" policies to discriminate against disabled workers. Just because the sup or manager does not say outright that the employee is not eligible due to race, the undermining effects and intent may be there.

What would make you think that the employer is NOT being discriminitory in this case?
It will be up to the employee to prove that race was the reason for the poor review, not the other way around. So, if eoj8sbd cannot show good cause to believe that race is a factor, then any complaint or lawsuit is not going to go very far.
You are correct. Does the OP have any evidence of the employer denying the her any other employment rights? If the employer has a history of denying the employee any other employment rights or even just denying that particular employee anything in general, it could lead to creating a history of the employer being discriminitory against that particular individual without cause. That could be sufficient grounds to prompt an investigation by EEOC into racial discrimination.
Theretoo, I would appreciate it if you would stop making assumptions about me and what I am saying. I realize that you dislike me because I do not automatically subscribe to your theories and tell everyone with any kind of medical condition that they have a claim against their employer under the ADA, but your prejudice against me is causing you to give the poster incorrect information, simply because you assume I must be wrong.

I ASKED the poster for more information. I did NOT tell him he was wrong in his assumption.
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