Deferred pay and UI


New Member
Hey guys. Earlier this year I was furloughed from my boss's startup because COVID wreaked havoc on the finances. I'm currently collecting UI, but my boss says they really need the help and was wondering if I would be open to returning to work and collecting quarterly pay or some other deferred pay at the end of the year. UI Benefits will likely cease by then anyways.

Will working part time now and collecting my pay at the end of the year influence my current unemployment benefits?

I live in Orange County, Orlando, Florida.
my boss says they really need the help and was wondering if I would be open to returning to work and collecting quarterly pay or some other deferred pay at the end of the year.

Never WORK for anyone who PROMISES to pay you later, but demands you work today.

An old idiom admonishes, "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."

Translated = Possessing something today, even if it is NOT as much as something portends, is far better than taking the chance of losing it in order to attain something else that seems more desirable.

There is nothing prohibiting you from VOLUNTEERING to help your boss grow his entity, to build goodwill and grow your knowledge of his business.
Will working part time now and collecting my pay at the end of the year influence my current unemployment benefits?


Your UI benefits will end the first week that you certify that you went back to work (part time) and report what you earned whether or not you received the money. Or you can commit fraud and perjury and not report it.

It's a no-win situation for you.
That's not necessarily one hundred percent true. Every state has a limited amount that a person is allowed to earn without it affecting their benefits,and then there starts being an offset. For example, my state will allow you to earn up to 1/3 of your unemployment benefit with no affect, and then after that there's a dollar for dollar offset. So if your UI benefit was $300 a week (low for my state, but makes for easy arithmetic) you wouldn't lose your entire benefit for a week until/unless you earned $400 in that week.

But it is still true that you report the money in the week that you earn it, not the week that you receive it.