Custody case reopened for nonsensical reasons

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New Member
Final court order established in Jan 2011. On 8/25/11 I was served with a Motion for Civil Contempt stating I violated the court order b/c I failed to give him a copy of an informative letter pertaining to changes of ownership of medical records for our son and for taking our son to see a Nutritionist on one of his father's days of visitation. I text his father the info pertaining to the letter and also advised his father of the appointment prior to taking the child and offered to take the child to him after the appt (which he declined). He now has reopened the case and has filed for full custody over this nonsense. I keep as much distance as possible between my Ex and I. I only communicate with him when it is necessary and only when it pertains to our child.
What paperwork do I need to file in response? I can scan and provide copies of my paperwork upon request. Assistance is greatly's the link to the forms available through our circuit
**Below is a list of documentation requested listed on the notice for case management which must be filed prior to our hearing:

a. A Copy of the final judgment or order that the requesting party seeks to modify or enforce (if applicable)
b. Answers to the Standard Interrogatories for Post Judgement matters (if modification proceeding)
c. Evidence of service of process (if applicable)
d. Proposed changes, to the Parenting Plan (if applicable)
e. Current Financial Affidavit
Nothing has changed in your custody matter.
He has, as is his right, filed contempt proceedings against you.
You admit to denying him his visitation.
You can't do that for the reasons you set forth.
The appointment wasn't an emergency medical procedure.
All you need do is appear when directed.
Nothing much will happen (if anything) to you.
You should simply apologize to him and the court and promise to never interfere with his visitation.
The only exception would be a medical emergency.
This appointment wasn't an emergency.
The court should admonish you to never interfere with his visitation for routine matters.
This isn't worth getting all riled up about.
I did not deny him visitation, I think you misunderstood my statemnt. I did offer to meet him after our appt so he could pick up the child but HE declined in doing so. There is paperwork that Im needing to file on my behalf but I dont know which packet Im needing to file. If you could please advise as to which packet, I would appreciate it. Thank you
I did not deny him visitation, I think you misunderstood my statemnt. I did offer to meet him after our appt so he could pick up the child but HE declined in doing so. There is paperwork that Im needing to file on my behalf but I dont know which packet Im needing to file. If you could please advise as to which packet, I would appreciate it. Thank you

Technically yes - you did deny him visitation. You didn't actually have the right to schedule anything on Dad's time.

But that's not likely in itself going to change custody unless you've done this in the past. Army Judge is absolutely correct.
You're going to have to go through each packet - they're quite clear with the instructions - and see which one applies to your situation.

There is also a "blank" packet which you may need to use.
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