Courtesy meeting

What is a courtesy meeting between a client and attorney? I'm afraid it's something bad

If you're looking for an attorney, most attorneys offer a courtesy meeting for free.
You can meet with the attorney for 20-30 minutes to ask questions, discuss your case, find out how much the attorney will charge if you want her to represent you, etc...

If the meeting is between you and a public defender, its simply a meet and greet.
Such meetings are a good way for each person to learn something about each other.

I don't see anything negative in a courtesy meeting as I know them.

If this courtesy meeting is with another person's attorney, ask what's the purpose of the meeting, what will be discussed, before you agree to meet.

If you don't like the questions or topics discussed at any meeting, simply stand up and say, "Sorry, I must be going, but thanks for meeting with me. Good day."

Then leave through the nearest exit door, don't ever look back.

A free person is under no obligation to meet with anyone, answer any questions, or discuss subjects that are uncomfortable.