Consultant accepting job offer from client

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New Member
I am currently a consultant with a government agency in New York City, NY. I am employed with an IT consulting company that has an 18-month contract with this government agency. The government agency offered me a full-time position, however, according to the agency's contract with the IT consulting company, the agency cannot hire me until the contract expires on 11/30/08. My IT consulting company won't give a release letter so I can accept the offer and they won't waive the provision in the contract stating that the government agency can't higher me until the contract expires on 11/30/08. I don't have a non-compete agreement with my IT consulting company and I didn't sign anything stating that I will not accept an offer from the government agency before my contract expires. Can I just resign from my position with my IT consulting company, say as of 6/23/08, then tell the government agency on 6/24/08 that I can start working on 6/30/08? Would this leave me or the government agency open for liability? (I will resign on the grounds that my IT consulting company has breached their contract with me by not paying me what they promised to pay me and paying me late on a few occasions.)
You may not have a non-compete with your company, but your company may have the non-compete with the government agency.
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