Child support/back support when I didn't know the child was mine

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Child was born 2008, mother was married at the time (not to me.) passed the child off as her husbands for 1.5 years. I found out early 2011 child was mind (dna testing was done after), husband filed for divorce and challege of paternity mid 2011. I do not know if I'm on the birth certificate (ordering one so will find out soon). The mother has never asked for child support but has only let me see the child on HER terms and denies request. I have never filed for visitation as it took me a while to get used to the idea, plus as a college student I was making very little money to pay support. Anyway, I want to start paying support but not sure what will happen. Will I be responsible for back support from birth? What if I'm not on the birth certificate?
It's possible, but not likely. He was the legal father right up until the moment his paternity was disestablished. Mom doesn't get to double-dip like that.

Do yourself a favor, Dad. Open up your own case with the AG.

That way you're protected, the child is protected and everything is on the up and up.
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