Child Abuse/Neglect

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Wondering what to do in a situation where my 15 year old son has become a very very uncontrolable child who thinks he runs the rules in my home. My husband and I do everything we can to try to disipline him but when we do that according to my son, we are no good parents, etc;. So recently my husband was yelling at my son for getting straight F's on his report card and his behavior in school. And my son made a comment to my husband "I wouldn love for you to hit me because I'll hit the lotto" which he learned to say from my father whom I do not speak to and my parents do not like my husband of 14 years. So needless to say son calls police saying my husband is threatning him, police show up, and report case to DYFS. My son has been treating my husband, who has raised him since he was born, very horrible and saying things that are actually heart breaking. So now I have DYFS barking up my family and they have already in 4 days violated my hippa rights. So now my son is staying with my parents because thats what he has wanted because they buy him everything he wants and spoil him rotten. We do as much as we can for my son with the income we have but its just not enough for him, so now he is making false allegations about verbal and physical abuse hoping he will be able to live with my parents permanatly. And he has my parents telling him things to say to make his wish come true. So I am besides myself right now because I love my son with all my heart and its killing me to see what he is doing.
Your son is where he schemed and lied to be, with your parents. If he were my son, I'd leave him there.

You and your husband can now live free of the little demon's strife, abuse, threats, anger, and lies. You now have harmony in your home.

He handed you a gift. If I were you, I'd gratefully accept it!!

Finally, he'll be an adult in a little over two years anyway.

Thank God Almighty that the little demon is gone!!!
Wondering what to do in a situation where my 15 year old son has become a very very uncontrolable child who thinks he runs the rules in my home. My husband and I do everything we can to try to disipline him but when we do that according to my son, we are no good parents, etc;. So recently my husband was yelling at my son for getting straight F's on his report card and his behavior in school. And my son made a comment to my husband "I wouldn love for you to hit me because I'll hit the lotto" which he learned to say from my father whom I do not speak to and my parents do not like my husband of 14 years. So needless to say son calls police saying my husband is threatning him, police show up, and report case to DYFS. My son has been treating my husband, who has raised him since he was born, very horrible and saying things that are actually heart breaking. So now I have DYFS barking up my family and they have already in 4 days violated my hippa rights. So now my son is staying with my parents because thats what he has wanted because they buy him everything he wants and spoil him rotten. We do as much as we can for my son with the income we have but its just not enough for him, so now he is making false allegations about verbal and physical abuse hoping he will be able to live with my parents permanatly. And he has my parents telling him things to say to make his wish come true. So I am besides myself right now because I love my son with all my heart and its killing me to see what he is doing.

First, it's doubtful HIPAA has been violated - but you'd need to elaborate there.

Your question isn't really about the legalities - if you all agree to your son living with your parents, then let it happen.

Frankly it sounds like a parenting issue. Yelling at a teenager for failing grades is not effective parenting. I suggest googling "Garden of Eden parenting".

You're meant to be the parents here - not your child. If he's gotten this far in ruling the roost, there's a problem at home.
Try your best to sit him down and talk calmly to him about it and tell him his behavior is becoming to be too much.Several things you can do.First of all,I would recommend counseling for you and your husband.Your son needs to view you and your husband as one when it comes to decisions/response.Use the terminology 'discipline'-children need it and thrive on it.I would also recommend that you take your son to be checked by a Dr.He may suffer from Attention Deficit disorder or something.Parenting is stepping up to the plate-not passing the responsibility on to someone.
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