Can I sue the government?

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New Member
I was laid off of work nine months ago due to my company closing one of its North American plants and merging with another plant in a different state. I was given a half way decent severance package that will run out shortly because I'm not able to find work in the IT field. This I blame the government for because they allow corporations to trade with third world countries like India displacing many IT workers. My past employer also required its employees to sign papers saying that we would not sue the company for being laid off. If we didn't sign they withheld some of the severance. I'm a few months away from losing my house and everything I own, and I have exhausted every resource available to find comparable IT work with not one job offer. I know that there are many people in the same situation as myself and I'm sure they are fed up as much as I am with the government's lack of responsibility of protecting American jobs. I would like to know if anyone knows of any group type lawsuits that are emerging to sue the government on this issue or is this just a pipe dream to try and sue the government for failing to protect its workers from outsourcing to countries that are not on the same playing field as American salaries.
is this just a pipe dream to try and sue the government for failing to protect its workers from outsourcing to countries that are not on the same playing field as American salaries.

Yes, it is.
Have you filed for Unemployment benefits yet? There is a program federally funded to the states through Unemployment known as Trade Adjustment Assistance. It is direct assistance provided to employees displaced because of foreign competition. I don't know if I.T would qualify.
The benefits are provided only to employees terminated due to foreign imports. The imports must be the substantial cause of the layoff. The assistance takes form of weekly benefits,training allowances,relocation allowance. It is paid on top of the U.I benefits.
Have you filed for Unemployment benefits yet? There is a program federally funded to the states through Unemployment known as Trade Adjustment Assistance. It is direct assistance provided to employees displaced because of foreign competition. I don't know if I.T would qualify.
The benefits are provided only to employees terminated due to foreign imports. The imports must be the substantial cause of the layoff. The assistance takes form of weekly benefits,training allowances,relocation allowance. It is paid on top of the U.I benefits.

Yes, I checked into that, but the company they merged with is an International company that runs as a virtual company. This means that the same work can be reproduced in any country at any plant that the company owns. This makes it hard because some of the work can be produced in China and some of the work can be produced in the US. So, it's very hard to prove where the actual product is produced. I hope I said that right! :)
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