Can I be fired on medical leave when following my supervisor's directions?

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New Member
I currently work in Philadelphia for a major airline (greater than 50 employees) and for about 2.5 years (more than 1250 hours). I am a diabetic and recently had a wound on my toe. I went to the doctor who wanted me off of my feet and as a result out of work for approximately 1 month. I obtained the necessary documentation and notified my supervisor and with his help was sending the paperwork to, what I thought was, the right department. Well, find out that I was not sending the information to the right department and as a result the job just thought that I wasn't coming and fired me. Is there anything that I can do about that? Can I get my job back?
Have you contacted your Union?
I have not contacted my Union rep. yet but I do have a meeting with my supervisor and HR for tomorrow to discuss the issue and hopefully get my job back. I guess my question is do I have a legal leg to stay on intems of getting my job back.
Hard to say contact your steward to be with you during the meeting with H.R. If it was a paperwork mistake on your part it may be easy to correct, bring the steward to the meeting at this point though.
my question would be, so what did the department that received your info do with it
did anyone tell you that the information had been sent to the wrong place
i have no union experience, so i cannot comment on that side, however if you provided the required documentation and it got lost in a black hole within the walls of your employer, that is not your fault. yes, if you were on medical then terminated and you provided the information that was required of you, then and your employer did not communicate with you the proper channels, etc. then yes, your employer is left holding the bag
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