Alcohol & Drugs: DUI, DWI Can a suspended sentence be removed to join the Military?

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: California, USA

I have just been informed by my recruiter that I have a suspended sentence on my record. I have 2 DUI's in the state of CA. He tells me that the suspended sentence is for 5 years for any alcohol related offense. In order for me to join the Military that needs to be removed.

Is it possible to remove a suspended sentence?

...if so, am I expecting fines or any repercussions?

Thank you in advance.
If it helps any, here are the charges, dates, sentences...

first DUI, Nov. 2000, .11 BAC. Completed classes and paid fines.
second DUI, Dec. 2005, .10 BAC. Completed classes and paid all fines in full.

I hope this helps to get the question answered.
thanks again,
Sorry to hear. Those BACs are barely at illegal, but I don't think it's relevant.

. . . maybe the recruiter used a different term. A suspended sentence is normally given to you at sentencing. I.E. you will have 2 years probation with a suspended sentence of 30 days, you don't serve any of that time. . . The only way the suspended sentence is still relevent is if you are still on probation. Are You?

I don't know what the 5 years is about, but as far as getting something expunged, in a lot of areas you have to wait 5 years after conviction to get something expunged.
Yes, still on probation. I have 2 more years. The probation was set for 5 years.

I am now being told by a close friend who is a lawyer, I have an SIS (suspended imposition sentence). He is pretty confident that if the recruiter, himself and I appear in front of the judge we will be able to get the SIS removed. I have lost 40 lbs, been sober for over a year and many more positive things happening in my life to back up the decision of enlisting.

I hope the judge sees it that way.
He is pretty confident that if the recruiter, himself and I appear in front of the judge we will be able to get the SIS removed
Your recruiter can play NO part in this, if he does you are permanently
barred from joining the military if the sentance is dropped, and he will
face punishment for violatings the regs

Your sentance cannot be reduced for your joining the military, it
can be reduced but joining the military cannot be the reason
Yes, still on probation. I have 2 more years
Your process for joining the military cannot even begin until
your probation is over, and probably for a few months after

The days of jail time or the military went the way of the draft
Well, that sucks!

Do you know if they are working to allow such things, P J WEBER? I know that admission to the military has been getting increasingly more lenient due to past offenses.
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