California State Employee - Help!

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My mother has worked for the state of California for many years in Santa Cruz. With her retirement coming in January, they have told her she must transfer from her office (which is not closing) to another office 20 miles away. She has a note from her doctor suggesting that the travel and uncomfortable environment are not good for her health (she has many conditions - heart, etc. -- that are exacerbated by stress). She has been told that "a committee" must review her request not to be transferred. What are her rights? Is the any free legal advice for California State Employees? Thank you for any aid.
She should immediately consult her state union representative. Transfers are likely governed by contracts with her union, so the conditions and limitations should be contained in that contract. They may not be able to lawfully transfer her, but this is something her union folks will have to look in to.

Note that it is doubtful that she will be able to make a successful medical claim in something like this, because I doubt that traveling 20 miles to a new office is going to put so much strain on her that it will push her over the edge. If she were that ill, she should would likely be compelled to retire now.

- Carl
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