Black balled by a website



I had an expungement last year to remove a misdemeanor and I currently work in the healthcare field, but I was denied an apartment due to my misdemeanor being on some website that does credit checks on tenants. I've passed a level 2 background screening already and this is really a slap in the face
I had an expungement last year to remove a misdemeanor and I currently work in the healthcare field, but I was denied an apartment due to my misdemeanor being on some website that does credit checks on tenants. I've passed a level 2 background screening already and this is really a slap in the face

An expungement doesn't erase a conviction.
At most an expungement s an attempt to seal or conceal a conviction.
Yes, the state doesn't reveal that to prospective expungement seekers.
I suppose it's because the state peddles expungements and profits on a person's dreams.
The website revealed the truth.
You were convicted.
Other than receiving a full pardon, a conviction will forever haunt the person convicted.