bank trouble

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New Member
please help my mother recently passed away there was no will but i was the one who took care of her due to other family not close by my question is i paid her bills every month had access to her bank acccount but was not on the account always accessed her account with an atm card went to the bank to freeze the account but could not be done after she had passed away i went to the atm and with drawed some money to cover some final expenes will i get into trouble for this please help new york state
Try saying that again using punctuation. That is very difficult to read and understand.

What final expenses did you cover?
So long as you are not using her Credit to pay these things I don't see how pulling out her $$ to pay for her expenses would cause trouble -- you are more then likely listed as a beneficiary anyway-- maybe you just need to contact the bank and see who is listed as a beneficiary
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