Am I Married????

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New Member
I live in Aurora, CO. My 2 month old son's father and I decided to get married and obtained a marriage license on 5/3/2010. The state of Colorado allows couples to self solemize their own marriage without witnesses. The license just had to be signed by both the groom and the bride twice and mailed back to be filed with the recorder. He obviously got cold feet because right after I signed the certificate on 5/6/2010 I walked away to tend to the baby and didn't physically see him sign anything. He says he did, and that he mailed it the same day. Well here it is, 5/19 and the recorder has no record of the certificate ever making it back. He was using my address, and allowed my family and friends to believe that we had gotten married and we had supposedly even consummated the marriage on 5/7/2010. He used me for about 1800 dollars which helped him get a car and then he moved out on 5/17 stating that he wasn't sure if this is what he wanted anymore. He can't afford an annulment but neither can I. I had to come off maternity leave early because I am broke. I will file for child support but- without that certificate getting recorded am I married????
I live in Aurora, CO. My 2 month old son's father and I decided to get married and obtained a marriage license on 5/3/2010. The state of Colorado allows couples to self solemize their own marriage without witnesses. The license just had to be signed by both the groom and the bride twice and mailed back to be filed with the recorder. He obviously got cold feet because right after I signed the certificate on 5/6/2010 I walked away to tend to the baby and didn't physically see him sign anything. He says he did, and that he mailed it the same day. Well here it is, 5/19 and the recorder has no record of the certificate ever making it back. He was using my address, and allowed my family and friends to believe that we had gotten married and we had supposedly even consummated the marriage on 5/7/2010. He used me for about 1800 dollars which helped him get a car and then he moved out on 5/17 stating that he wasn't sure if this is what he wanted anymore. He can't afford an annulment but neither can I. I had to come off maternity leave early because I am broke. I will file for child support but- without that certificate getting recorded am I married????

You don't need to be married in order to have that deadbeat pay child support.

You may not be married, but the documents may have been delayed in getting processed.

So, keep checking with the recorder.

You won't need a divorce or an annulment, hopefully.

But, bring a child support action with the state, to make sure you at least get that deadbeat on the hook.

I doubt he'll pay, but you can at least hold him legally accountable.
He used me for about 1800 dollars which helped him get a car and then he moved out on 5/17 stating that he wasn't sure if this is what he wanted anymore. He can't afford an annulment but neither can I. I had to come off maternity leave early because I am broke. I will file for child support but- without that certificate getting recorded am I married????

Well isn't that sac-o-sh*t just the romantic one. I'm sorry to hear that you have been duped. I would immediately sue him for the child support, and while I was at it for that $1800. You gave it to him assuming that he was going to be your husband and he basically stole it. I'm not so sure you couldn't file a theft by deception charge against him. He conned you into thinking you were married, got you to give him the $1800, and summarily split. I would at least sue him for child support and throw civil conversion in there too.
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