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New Member
My father has filed for a divorce after 34 years of marriage. He has decided to leave the house to my mother and keep a set of four apartments to himself. He was the primary provider for the family, my mother works as a substitute for a local school district and work is not guaranteed. My 13 year old sister is staying with my mother, and my father is offering child support and nothing else. Is this legal? My fathers lawyer is bilittling my mother and keeps threatning to send the police to arrest her for not signing the papers. I feel this is wrong.
This lawyer is unethical if he is actually threatening police action for not signing papers. If he has done that then he needs to be reported to the bar. Your father does not have to pay your mom anything except for what the court tells him. please tell me she has an attorney? She needs to see one and possible even have legal fees billed to the husband. She needs to take the paperwork to an attorney and she absolutely should ask for alimony, and order dad to carry insurance on the child. She should sign nothing until she seeks counsel.
I agree absolutely. In many jurisdictions, threatening criminal prosecution to attain civil goals is a serious breach of the code of conduct. (Belittling someone is probably not a breach, but neither is it good practice.) Talk to a lawyer and consider making a complaint to the bar society.
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