Alienation - What Do I Document?

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New Member
Hi - I have sole custody of my daughter, and her father has four regularly scheduled visits. I live in NY with my second husband, my daughter and our three children. Her father is British and lives in the UK. The Custody Order is registered in our county. My daughter by my first marriage is 9.

We encourage her to make the required contact (phone, skype, etc) and always encourage her to enjoy her visits. We know better than to say mean or critical things about him to my daughter. But, he has just filed a new custody petition citing parental alienation.

He has filed numerous custody petitions, and they have all failed - she is well-adjusted and happy, as supported by her law guardian, her teachers, and all three court psychologists. The last court psychiatrist report was less than a year ago, and it stated there were no issues with the father-daughter relationship, and both parents were fine, etc.

Her teacher has confirmed she has no worries, but I have asked the school psychologist for help and have contacted a counselor - my plan is to have my daughter seen (again) and if there are issues - on EITHER side - get recommendations. We would certainly address anything we were doing that isn't supporting her relationship.

What should I be documenting? I'm recording all the calls she makes (per the order), as well as when he isn't available, when his machine is broken so we can't leave a message, etc. What else do I need to do?

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You're doing all you can.

Be encouraging and supportive of her relationship with dad.

Speak no evil of him.

Stay the course.

Let others do what they will.

You do what is right and just.

You can't predict the future.

Be the best mom you can be.

No need to worry about what could happen.

Teach her to be a good person, good student, and loving daughter.

Don't let adult problems intrude into her child's world.

Let dad do dad, you do mom.

Dad is bitter.

Mom's moved on.
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