Adoption Issue, pls help

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New Member
I have been in the process of adoption and ALMOST finalized it weeks ago, only to find out that the consential birth mother is still married, but has been estranged from her ABSENT husband for nearly 6 yrs. He is not the biological father of the child that I have loved and cared for since birth, however the state of Ohio reconizes him to be so because of the marriage. I have try relentlessly to find this man so that he can show up for court to sign away his rights to a child that he has not fathered or even seen but I have had no such luck. Is there a law in adoption to whereas, I can post a legal notice in the newspaper for this gentleman to appear in court? and if he does not appear, cannot the adoption be finalized? Please help me, thanks in advance!
You really need to see an attorney. I would think you would have an attorney helping you with this all along.
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