Adoption and Custody

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New Member
I am looking to have the birth father of my ten month old son sign over his rights so that my fiance can adopt him. The biological father has not paid child support or even seen my son. He left me a month after we found out I was pregnant. I do not talk to him or have any contact with him. He has not had any tests done to prove that he is the birth father and his name is not on the birth certificate.What do I need to do to have him sign over his right and what paperwork needs to be done? Also What do I need to do so that my fiance can adopt my son?
He is not required to give you child support because this bio dad is not the legal father. You haev to attempt to locate him and probably place an ad in the paper. Waity until you get married before you do this.
you need to find him establish paternity be married a year and then dad has to consent. untill that happens your fiance has no rights to this child whatsoever.
you need to find him establish paternity be married a year and then dad has to consent. untill that happens your fiance has no rights to this child whatsoever.

Why are you responding to almost 2-year old threads?
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