a fathers rights

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New Member
married the mother of my child in 2005 on the day i joined the military and find out she was cheating and left me for the guy...took my son and seems she decided to do the same thing she did to her older sons dad and replace him with whoever she is with...of course being military the spouse and child are supported through BAH and other things but 2010 she resurfaces with a child support order...the trick is she has two names and two social security numbers and she married me under her new name and social but she filed for support under her original name and social meaning that the court doesnt know we are still married and has requested back pay and it didnt help that i missed the second court date by missing a flight because im in florida trying to handle a child support case in new york...they keep raising my support payments but no one is talking about parental visitation right
Get a lawyer. I know you want something different but get a lawyer and it will be much better for you.
If you are navy, take your information to NCIS.

If you are a jarhead, take your information to NCIS.

If you're air force, take your information OSI.

If you are army, take it to CID.

You get the picture.

Tell them what you know or believe.

If what you said is true, they can get to the bottom of this and get you off the hook.

I'm not blowing smoke.

I'm a retired O6, JAG and military judge.

OSI, CID, NCIS will involve the appropriate federal agencies.

This woman is perpetrating a fraud upon the taxpayers, as well as you.

Once this is investigated (using your knowledge & proof), she will find herself in a pile of smelly, nasty, caca!!!
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