Recent content by Marinewifey226

  1. M

    Threats And Proof

    Sorry. If she were to pull any stunt and I KNOW it was her but I don't have proof, is there anything I can do. What happens if she threatens me again? Just the basics
  2. M

    Threats And Proof

    Well, I posted about the whole desk situation, which is taken care of...thank God. This woman "advised" me to get a restraining order against her. She is MOSTLY all talk, but she has glued locks and stolen a cell phone from my husband, she has contacted his command (he is a Marine) and she never...
  3. M

    Won't pick up desk from MY garage...

    Thank you!! I contacted the leasing office and told them and they called and told her she had 24 hours to come get it. She then LIED and said she never wanted it. Oh well,it's said and done. I have witnesses, too...which helps. I would have brought that desk to her but I don't know where she...
  4. M

    child custody

    It all depends on how old the kids are and if they want to be with you or with dad. If this is taken to court it will be a battle and I am almost positive that a child support order will be made. I am not a lawyer, I have just seen many cases like this. REALLY think this through, I know you...
  5. M

    Won't pick up desk from MY garage...

    It's really petty if you ask me and I have contacted the Police department twice and am still unsure of what to do. With it being a holiday, it's hard to get more advice. A former friend of mine, who is PSYCHO (and I don't use that word lightly...she literally cannot keep a roomate, lies, and...
  6. M

    Custody Battle in CA

    If I am going through a custody battle here in CA and I am almost positive it will still be full blown in May when my husband, son, and I plan to move to AL, I don't want to go without my daughter, but I was told that as long as I am actively involved in her life (as I am now) and am at all the...
  7. M

    Abusive Wife

    You need to hire an attorney fast. Don't tell her, just do it. She will know eventually of course, but you don't want to anger her even more in the meantime. Good Luck and God Bless to you and your children
  8. M

    Urgently needing advice

    Try Legal's cheaper and I am sure they can lead you in the right direction. I know attorney fees can get expensive, but you also don't want to lose your child, so if you have ANYONE that can help you.....Good Luck and God Bless!!
  9. M

    Which last name to give my baby?

    My daughter has my last name and there is NOTHING wrong with that. You can always hyphenate, too. It's all up to you. If anything were to happen custody wise, last name does not matter, and if you are stable and he is will get the child. The courts always try to place the...
  10. M

    Pennsylvania custody

    I agree 110 deserve and need to see your kids and they need you, you have to go back to court. I know the battle is no fun but it must be done and it will all work out, just have faith and be strong, esp. for your kids!! Good Luck and God Bless!!
  11. M

    I Don't Want Her Anymore

    Have you tried counseling? I really don't know what else to say. I send prayers and good luck!!
  12. M

    Subpoena for child support

    It simple, you need a lawyer. ASK FOR A PATURNITY TEST!!! Don't pay for a child that does not belong to you and is not involved in your life. I don't mean to be harsh, but no man should have to pay for something he did NOT do, no one should have to. The lawyer will talk you through what you need...
  13. M

    My father took my baby...i need help to get her back

    I know it's hard...I really do. If the police can't help ASAP, see a lawyer on Tuesday. Who cares who you are with, it's YOUR life and you should be happy. It doesn't sound like you are neglectful and you have to work to take care of your child. You really need to see a lawyer. You did not...
  14. M

    Loving Mother wants her daughther BACK!!!

    Thank you...My husband and I are going to JAG on Tuesday and talking to a lawyer and proceeding with this. We talked about it tonight and I have a lot on her, esp. the fact that she threatened me and plus I am the mother and I AM in NO WAY unfit. She may be 3 years old, but she knows mommy and...
  15. M

    Divorce on HIS mind....

    Thank you both for your repsonses. My mother does not know about this website nor does she have time with all her concerts and such to get online. I am not worried about that. I do have money saved and I am going to be working part-time until I can find something full time. So, I do have all my...