child custody

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New Member
about two years age my childrens father and i split up. I left him so I had nowhere to go so i left my kids with their father. now that i have established myself and have a place to live and know that i am capable of caring for them i want them back. there is no custody order so i know that i can go get them but what are the chances the courts will let me keep them. because everyone in my family thinks that i just abandoned them but i didnt. i see them every weekend and every day i have off of work even my vacation i am just needing to know if the courts will let me keep them because they have lived with their father for so long.
You have an uphill battle getting custody since Dad has been the primary caregiver. I am surprised he hasn't sued for custody and childs support yet.
It all depends on how old the kids are and if they want to be with you or with dad. If this is taken to court it will be a battle and I am almost positive that a child support order will be made. I am not a lawyer, I have just seen many cases like this.
REALLY think this through, I know you want your kids back, but you have to make sure you can do it full time while working and such....there is a lot that will come into play.
God Bless and Best of Luck!!!!
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