Articles by Michael Wechsler

Michael Wechsler
5 min read
Workplace Retaliation is defined as harassment and discrimination by your employer as a result of an investigation prompted by an employee’s complaint at work. Although many employees know that there are laws in place which protect them from discrimination or harassment on many grounds, there...
Michael Wechsler
6 min read
The overwhelming majority of states and some localities have enacted their own anti-discrimination laws. They also have set up agencies responsible for enforcing these laws, which are known as Fair Employment Practices Agencies or "FEPAs" as abbreviated. As would be expected, the laws that...
Michael Wechsler
2 min read
If you suffer from Hepatitis C, can you be fired from your job because you have this condition? Questions are often asked about (i) protections concerning voluntary disclosures made to an employer; and (ii) whether missing time at work due to treatment may allow an employer to terminate...
Michael Wechsler
5 min read
This article is a top ten list of steps you should follow if you have been involved in a car accident. This legal checklist will help you understand and protect your legal rights and preserve your case in the event you need to file a lawsuit or negotiate a settlement for money damages. Every...
Michael Wechsler
3 min read
Employers are prohibited from discriminating against any person based upon religious grounds and must make reasonable efforts to accommodate an employee’s practice of their religion. Workplace Discrimination Based upon Religion is Prohibited Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act under federal...
Michael Wechsler
3 min read
Federal, state and local laws and procedures are in place to protect people - gay, lesbian and straight - against discrimination in the workplace based upon sexual orientation. What is Sexual Orientation Discrimination? Being harassed or treated differently at work because of your actual or...
Michael Wechsler
5 min read
It would seem common sense that people who perform the same work and at the same level of quality should be paid the same, but this isn't always the case. The U.S. government created laws to ensure fairness in the workplace and promote equal pay laws. Men and women doing the same job should...
Michael Wechsler
6 min read
This article will answer common questions about personal injury lawsuits and lawyers. It will help you understand what of work personal injury lawyers perform, the legal fees they charge and how to manage your expectations regarding your accident or injury lawsuit. What are the different types...
Michael Wechsler
5 min read
When a person dies “intestate” or without a will, that person’s estate will usually pass through a probate court for review and a determination made of how and to whom the property should be distributed. Each state in the United States has its own laws governing the distribution of an estate...
Michael Wechsler
5 min read
If a person dies without a will, that person’s estate will be reviewed in a probate court of law to determine who should be the rightful heirs to inherit the property. If the court determines that there are no surviving heirs or “close relatives” as defined by state law, the estate property may...
Michael Wechsler
4 min read
In the event that you die with having a will, also known as “intestate”, a court of law may decide who will inherit your home, your bank account and who will raise your minor children. "Probate" is the process where a court of law supervises the distribution of property after a person dies...
Michael Wechsler
4 min read
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings
There are many ways to create a will valid. Some states may recognize handwritten or "holographic" wills - even a last will and testament scrolled onto an envelope may be legally recognized. While sometimes we can dispense with formalities, it is generally not a good to rely upon exceptions to...
Michael Wechsler
2 min read
Life situations change over time. After creating a will, it is advisable to review its terms from time to time to update it to fit current life situations. Experienced attorneys and estate planners suggest reviewing and updating your will every 3-5 years or after a potential major life changing...
Michael Wechsler
4 min read
Some people decide to create their own will, perhaps by purchasing computer software and preparing one with the help of a program. Upon completing the written portion of the will, it is likely there will be instructions on how to get it witnessed in order to make it valid and enforceable in a...
Michael Wechsler
5 min read
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings
The Illinois Statute of Limitations for civil actions sets a time limit after an injury or civil wrong occurs, during which an injured party can file a lawsuit. After that period of time expires, the injured party is no longer permitted to file a claim in an Illinois state court to litigate that...
Michael Wechsler
3 min read
This article will briefly explain the beginning of the eviction process, what is a "Notice to Quit" and provide a list of each state's requirements with regard to the length of time within which a tenant is to be permitted with the ability to "cure" - to make payment, vacate the premises or...
Michael Wechsler
4 min read
4.00 star(s) 1 ratings
This article provides information about how you can successfully challenge the foreclosure process on your home and also lists several governmental assistance programs that may provide aid and help you stave off foreclosure. You may be surprised by the number of remedies that currently may be...
Michael Wechsler
3 min read
On most occasions when motorists are involved in an automobile accident and the police or highway patrol is summoned to the scene, a “police report” also known as an “incident report”, will be written. If you were in the accident, you or your lawyer will have the right by law to receive a copy...
Michael Wechsler
3 min read
Who requires labor certification? Labor Certification is the process through which an employer must recruit potential employees for a position and demonstrate that there are no qualified US workers for the job. As a result, they need to seek potential employees from outside the United States...
Michael Wechsler
4 min read
Even though travel in airplanes is generally considered a very safe means of travel, aviation accidents still happen occasionally and are typically extremely devastating. If you have survived an airplane accident or you have lost a family member in an airplane accident, you can file a claim to...