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I defaulted on a credit card and I need to respond to the following Complaint:

Statement of Damages


Plaintiff, Name Hidden Plaintiff (NHP), complaining of the Defendant, Name Hidden Defendant (NHD), hereby alleges as follows:

1. Plaintiff is a Limited Liability Company having a usual place of business at Address Hidden Plaintiff (AHP).

2. Defendant is an individual residing at Address Hidden Defendant (AHD).


(Breach of Credit Card Agreement)

3. Defendant entered into a credit card agreement ("agreement") account no. ending in XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX with Bank ("original creditor").

4. Under the terms of the agreement, original creditor agreed to extend credit and/or advance money in consideration of Defendant's promise to pay for the goods and/or services and/or conditions amount borrowed plus interest in accordance with the terms and of the agreement.

5.Defendant failed to make timely payments as required under the terms of the agreement. Defendant is in default of the agreement.

6. Plaintiff acquired or purchased the delinquent credit account and is the bona fide owner of this account.

7. Defendant's last payment towards the account occured on 09/17/2018, in the amount of $200.00.

8. Defendant is indebted to Plaintiff in the total amount of 9539.01, plus post judgment interest and court costs.


(On Account)

9. Plaintiff repeats, reiterates and realleges each and every allegation set forth in paragraphs 1 through 8 of the complaint.

10. Defendant established a credit card account with "original creditor" which he/she used to obtain goods, services, and/or borrow money providing that he/she would pay "original creditor" for the goods, services, and money obtained.

"original creditor"

11. "original creditor" provided written monthly billing statements to Defendant containing balances due, to which Defendant expressly or impliedly assented.

12. Defendant has an outstanding balance owed on this account which, to date, remains unpaid.

13. Plaintiff has demanded payment but Defendant has, to date, failed to pay Plaintiff. Accordingly, Defendant owes Plaintiff the total amount of $9539.01 plus post judgment interest and court


WHEREFORE, with respect to Counts I, and II, Plaintiff demands judgment against Defendant, in an amount to be determined by the Court, plus post judgment interest and court costs, and for such other relief as the court deems to be just.
I've come across sites online that have sample responses to debt lawsuits.

Google "how to answer a credit card or debt lawsuit complaint."

7. Defendant's last payment towards the account occured on 09/17/2018,

Well within the 6 year statute of limitations.

What would you say in your defense? You've already admitted to the default.
I've come across sites online that have sample responses to debt lawsuits.

Google "how to answer a credit card or debt lawsuit complaint."

Just be aware that simply because a form is on the internet doesn't mean it's any good or that it meets the specific rules for the court in which the case is taking place. So use those forms at your own risk. If you have the opportunity, you might want to contact the court to see about reviewing some answers in debt cases that were filed by attorneys. Those are likely to be in the proper format. The details of the answers in those cases you can skip since your case is different. Ask if trial court pleadings are available online where to find them.

The document that is filed to start the lawsuit against you is known as the complaint, and then your reply is known as the answer. The complaint and answer together are the pleadings in the case. The pleadings are distinct from the other documents that will be filed in the case, like motions, etc. Pleadings must at a minimum meet the requirements of Rule 10 of the Massachusetts Rules of Civil procedure. In particular, it is that you need to make sure you comply with. These rules of procedure are important for you to know if you are going to represent yourself (known as going pro se) since those are the rules the court will expect you to comply with and failure to follow them can have adverse consequences.

The Massachusetts courts have a guide for pro se litigants that will help you with preparing your case. Following that should help reduce the chance that you don't comply with the rules or that you miss some step you are required to do. It does not cover everything in detail, however. For example, it does not cover the answer much at all.

The Massachusetts state government website has a page with links to a variety of legal assistance resources that may be useful to you.