Recent content by grandma_donna

  1. G

    father with apparently no rights

    Your hatred for your children's grandparents could become a problem for them. I think that the children should have access to anyone they love and who loves them. That includes their grandparents. It sounds like you have a pretty good case for getting custody of your children if the mother is...
  2. G

    child porn??

    You could be charged with Child Pornography for showing pictures of your children to someone, if that person gets turned on by them, even if it's just a face. here is the story:
  3. G

    father with apparently no rights

    You do have rights if you have dna proof. What you are lacking is an attorney with a spine. There has to be someone willing to petition the courts to force the people who have your children to allow them their father. Children's rights are all too often ignored in custody situations. This...
  4. G

    Child Support Enforcement

    I have had physical custody of my grandson since he was 7 years old. I gained legal guardianship of him a few months ago ( he will be 16 on Sept. 5 ) because dfcs took his little sister from their mother and they told me that "unless you file for guardianship immediately we will be looking at...
  5. G

    how can a biological father be told he has no rights to his child

    My grandson's father was ordered to pay child support based on the dna proof of his fatherhood even though his name wasn't on the birth certificate, so I think that if you have the blood tests to prove your fatherhood you should be able to have the rights of fatherhood as well as the...
  6. G

    childrens' rights

    Thank you for your kind words. The real travesty here is what all of this is doing to my little grand daughter. She just cannot understand why the place and people who have been the source of stability and comfort for her and her happiest experiences are off limits. She thinks she's done...
  7. G

    Grandparents Want a Home Study

    So, just because this woman has a job that the grandfather doens't approve of he would have a government agency come in and disrupt the child's life and force the mom to lose work and prove that she's a fit mother??? In the midst of all of this the child is the one who will suffer the most...
  8. G

    childrens' rights

    my grand daughter was removed from my home at ten p.m. because her mother was alleged to have done something. Not because there was any evidence against her mother, only an allegation, which has since been shown not to be true. I have not been accused of any wrong doing, nor has my husband or...
  9. G

    Grandparents Want a Home Study

    I can tell you from experience to be very careful of dfcs. If you tell them that your daughter's home isn't fit they may come and take the children from your home and deny either one of you access to the children while they investigate all of you. My daughter's son has lived with me since he...
  10. G

    childrens' rights

    :( I would like to hear what anyone thinks about the problem of children who have loving grandparents with whom they have a lifelong bond and a history of extended visitation being placed with strangers in foster homes rather than with these grandparents as a matter of policy. Current dfcs...
  11. G

    Terminate child's rights?Tricked by ex girlfriend

    I congratulate you on having such wonderful parents. I wonder if they shouldn't try to show these emails and whatever evidence you may have of your ex-girlfriend's problems to an attorney and see if there is some way you can force visitation for the child to be able to have contact with some...
  12. G

    Grandparents rights for visitation

    I agree that this is an issue of children's rights. In a family there are many members. Children know whether or not their grandparents love them. When a child asks to be with a grandparent it is because there is love there. Children have rights. They are people. If a child has been abused...
  13. G

    Please may i get some real help?

    where are the children's grandparents in all of this? It sounds as though they need someone in their lives who simply give them love and emotional support if they are going to get through all of the issues that you and their father are working on. I keep hearing all of the problems parents...
  14. G

    Are children adequately protected after the breakdown of their parent’s relationship?

    I have no idea what the situation is in Australia with child custody and welfare issues. However, reading your questions, I notice that no attention was focused on the issue of the child's membership in a whole family. Children seem to be able to adapt well in situations where their parents...
  15. G

    Grandparents rights for visitation

    I have found out through my own situation that children in this country are suffering because the courts and various dfcs agencies refuse to recognize that grandparents are a resource that children have a right to. I can't understand how they justify what is essentially the punishment of...