Terminate child's rights?Tricked by ex girlfriend

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I dated a girl for 1 year who has a 8 year old child by another men. she had the baby at age 15. I never loved her, but she used me and got pregnant so I would support her, her baby, and the baby I fathered a year ago. I brought up with her and married another girl whom I love and have a baby with (just born).She became very pychotic, harrassing me, parents, and sister and brother. If she couldn't have me, noone was going to.She made false accusations about me to the police and continues to do this with her first baby's father. She is sue happy, lazy and wants to have babies, sit home and collect the money.At first she told me the baby wasn't mind, then when she saw that I was happy with another girl, she decided to collect child support 9 months later.She makes things up and files false police reports on me and the first boyfriend. She falsifies her finiancial stements like she isn't working, but drives a brand new car and doesn' pay for daycare because she works at a daycare as a manager.She's playing the system and me.:eek:
The baby is mine. I am heavily in debt, work 6 days a week and can't afford to pay the amount they are asking for support. I will pay what I can, but I only make 14oo dollars a month and have bills 3 times that amount just to survive and take care of my own 2 month old baby and wife. I can't even pay the lawyer anymore and he is going to abondon the case. I lost my car already and still have to pay on it.I'm a good person who was wild at the time I met her andshe took full advantage of my sewing my oats.
Can she send me to jail if I at least pay what I can? Should I sign off my rights and try to start a new life with my new baby and wife? Will I pay less if I take part custody. How can I make money if she sends me to jail? I don't now where to turn. there isn't enough money to go around. My parents have given me money and they are retired and can't keep giving.I'm a good person who fooled with the wrong girl.
You cannot sign off your rights. You should google your state child support guidelins to see what you should be paying for child support. You are entitled to visitation with the child. If I were you, I would be googling some fathers rights groups, and call around to an attorney. Borrow the money or ask family for help if you need too. Some stats may look at the cihld you have with your wife for a reduction in child support but don't count on it.

Has a DNA test been done to confirm the baby is yours?
This woman is the manager of a daycare center? That's very frightening if you're accurate in your representation of her. Also I can't help wondering, since your present girlfriend chose to have a child by you knowing that you had previous children, a commitment to help support them and a barely adequate income, does she work and help with the support of the child the two of you have together? I also am concerned that it sounds as though you have wonderful and tolerant parents who are grandparents to these children. Do they have a part in their lives? I feel they would be invaluable to the chilren in terms of moral support and a sense of stability. Physical environment and things don't actually matter to children. What they want and need most in their lives is love and attention and stability.
You cannot sign off your rights. You should google your state child support guidelins to see what you should be paying for child support. You are entitled to visitation with the child. If I were you, I would be googling some fathers rights groups, and call around to an attorney. Borrow the money or ask family for help if you need too. Some stats may look at the cihld you have with your wife for a reduction in child support but don't count on it.

Has a DNA test been done to confirm the baby is yours?
I did have a test and I am the father. My parents have provided me with more money then they can afford. My wife and I have been also living at my parents house for free since January. My lawyer is going to abondon my case because I can't pay him in the fashion and amount that he wants. I will google father's rights in Florida to see what options I have. Thanks
I did have a test and I am the father. My parents have provided me with more money then they can afford. My wife and I have been also living at my parents house for free since January. My lawyer is going to abondon my case because I can't pay him in the fashion and amount that he wants. I will google father's rights in Florida to see what options I have. Thanks
My parents have let my wife and my new baby live in their house since Jan., providing food, gas, money, and no rent. They continue to support us with paying for the DNA test, paying for other needs as well. MY wife knew what was going on and works as a dental assistant to help pay the bills and help me as well. I work as a recreational therapist with the elderly in a rehab center. Even with a degree job, I make 11 dollars an hour and she makes 12. Its not enough.I haven't seen the baby of the first girl nor have my parents. The ex girlfriend is manipulative and bipolar with how she treats the men in her life. She's very jealous of my new family and thats a dangerous thing. My mom saved all the bad emails she sent and we plan to share with with the first father as she has made false accusations against him as well. She knows the police in the area and some have taken her reports aginst the first father (violene and stalking ) just to make him look bad.
I congratulate you on having such wonderful parents. I wonder if they shouldn't try to show these emails and whatever evidence you may have of your ex-girlfriend's problems to an attorney and see if there is some way you can force visitation for the child to be able to have contact with some normal people. Obviously the child is in need. You and your parents and your wife sound like the kind of people who might be able to make a difference for the child. Children learn what they live isn't just a platitude. They really do. What chance will they have to grow up normal unless they have normal behavior and interactions to learn from? I applaud your parents and I feel great sadness for them that they have no contact here. They are paying a great price where they have no culpability and yet they have loss. That's something that elderly people in this country need to bring to the attention of AARP and anyone else who has any influence over the laws in this country. Grandparents have no hand in the creation of these children they come to love and yet where there is a problem they and the children are often the biggest losers and the ones with the least power to correct the situation. I wish you great luck and don't stop fighting for the little ones.
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