Wrongly Fired?

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New Member
I was dismissed from my job for being arrested for suspicion of DUI. I was arrested and held in jail for 36 hours. After aprox. 30 hours, My employer called my wife and asked for her to turn in my phone and keys to the building, because I was terminated. Do I have any law to protect me here?
ummmm...I was accused, not convicted. I was under the legal limit for alcohol content, and another driver ran a red light and hit me. Because of the accident involved, it is standard procedure to hold the accused to see a judge. this has no association to having a drinking problem. But, I am not taking in to concern your reading and understanding ability. Thank you so much though.
My reading comprehension is just fine thank you. You don't have to be convicted of a crime. Unless you had a bona fide contract or were part of a collective bargaining agreement, you can be terminated for any reason prohibited by law and nothing you posted was against the law. So how is you reading and understanding ability? Jerk!
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