wrongfully terminated ?

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New Member
There were 2 violations listed on my termination notice
1) Failure to follow management policies. Due to the fact that I was 1-5 Min's late 1-2 times per week the entire 4+ years I worked for this employer. I was rehired 2 times due to my being incarcerated. The owner was aware of my issues with being late, I was left assuming my job performance outweighed my attendance.It became acceptable,(the norm).The GM was arrested in a child porn sting and it was assumed he would not be returning(this is a family orientated restaurant). Another manager was brought in to replace the GM. The employer received a letter from the former GM"s Atty. and he was allowed to return to work. I was terminated approx. 2 weeks later.
2) Sexual Harassment. a fellow employee removed 4 quarter sized buttons/pins from his backpack and gave them to me after I expressed the desire to have a set of my own. Each pin contained one word ( go, f@#k,your,self) I stuck the pins on my purse. A week later during an employee meeting the employer mentioned someone having pins with inappropriate language on them. i removed the pins from my purse before I left my seat and did not have them at work after meeting. The pins were not mentioned again until they were given as the reason for the sexual harassment listed on term. notice. (3 weeks after meeting) Would this be considered sexual harassment? Shouldn't I have received a warning?
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